Senior Associate Dean for Admissions
Matthew Saleh
Rutgers Law School
217 N 5th St
Camden, NJ 08102
(856) 225-6837
  • Biography

Prior to joining Rutgers Law School, Dean Saleh served as the Assistant Dean for Admissions at the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law, where he worked for seven years. Over his dozen years in law school admissions, Dean Saleh has presented on topics such as diversity in the legal profession, pre-law professionalism, managing a hybrid office, admissions data integration and analysis, Barbri's Admission Dean Roundtable, and a variety of matters relating to the law school admissions process. In partnership with the Law School Admission Council (LSAC), he has participated on the following webinars: Law School Admission During COVID-19: Prelaw Student Professionalism and Admission Unmasked, a multipart online series aimed to jumpstart a prospective student's journey through the admissions process.