• Student Life

Women talking and laughing

 Student Life

At Rutgers Law, we understand that student life is an integral part of your education. That's why we're dedicated to ensuring it's a memorable experience. We have everything from academic resources to extracurricular activities to enrich your academic experience. Find what you need right here.

Student Life Snapshot

Student-run clubs & organizations.
Years of the Minority Student Program.
Career Specialists ready to help you.

Campus in Focus

Get a glimpse into what it’s like to study at Rutgers Law.

Law students in Newark take part in the People’s Electric Tie Dye party for students, faculty, and staff to get together at the start of the new academic year.

Rutgers Law

Take the opportunity to network at a variety of galas and events throughout the academic year, including the Governor James J. Florio Scholarship Benefit and Distinguished Alumni Awards Ceremony in Camden.

Kick off the start of the semester with a service project. Tour Cathedral Kitchen, the largest emergency food provider in Camden. Volunteer to make sandwiches, prepare meals, and give back to the community.


Find everything you need to know about the upcoming commencement ceremonies in Newark and Camden.

Graduate in cap and gown waving in commencement line