Heckel Inn of Court
The C. Willard Heckel Inn of Court at Rutgers Law School was founded in 1990 to further civility and excellence in the practice of law in New Jersey in both the state and federal courts. The Inn’s core focus is on criminal and related civil practice in both the federal and state court systems, although many of its programs involve issues of broader appeal to the bar.
The Inn brings together highly experienced and distinguished justices, judges, trial attorneys, members of the bar, and select Rutgers Law School students to enhance their skills and focus on emerging and important issues facing the bar and bench. Inn membership gives you an association with some of the finest practitioners and jurists in your community. Meetings are designed to promote social interaction, professional relationships, and camaraderie in a setting of education and skills development, while earning continuing legal education credits in New Jersey, New York, or Pennsylvania.
For more information about the Inn, contact IPE@law.rutgers.edu or 973-353-5928.
Membership Forms
Complete a membership form for the 2024-2025 Inn season first and then and select the appropriate membership category link to pay your dues by credit card.
Dues (select category to pay by credit card)
- Associate (3 years or less of legal experience): $100
- Associate (Government/Public Sector): $75
- Barrister - 4 or more years but less than 15 years of legal experience: $175
- Barrister (Government/Public Sector): $100
- Master of the Bench - 15 or more years of legal experience: $250
- Master of the Bench (Government/Public Sector): $135
You may also pay by check payable to "Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey."
Mail to:
Rutgers Law School
Heckel Inn of Court
123 Washington St.
Newark, NJ 07102
Members of the C. Willard Heckel Inn of Court are enrolled as members of the national American Inns of Court, if enrolled and paid by October 31, 2024.
Program Resources
There will be up to seven meetings on the following Wednesdays that begin at 5:30 p.m. The meeting format (in-person, remote, or hybrid) and length (1.5 to 2+ hours) will be determined by topics and speakers.
September 25 – Politics & Prosecution
October 23 – canceled
November 20 - U.S. and New Jersey Supreme Court Trends in Criminal Practice
January 29 – canceled
February 26
March 26
April 23 -
President: Ryan M. Magee | McCarter & English, LLP
Vice President: David M. Eskew, Esq. | Abell Eskew Landau LLP
Secretary/Treasurer: Andrew L. Rossner, Esq. | Rutgers Law School
Immediate Past President and Counselor: Sabrina G. Comizzoli, Esq. | U.S. Attorney's Office, District of New Jersey
- Timothy R. Anderson, Esq. | Tim Anderson Law, LLC
- Aidan P. O'Connor, Esq. | Pashman Stein Walder Hayden P.C.
- Tisha Adams, Esq. | Law Offices of Tisha Adams, LLC
- Donna J. Dorgan | New Jersey Office of the Attorney General - Division of Law
- Kayla E. Rowe, Esq. | Rowe Law
- Christopher F. Schellhorn, Esq. | Morris County Prosecutor's Office
Advisory Committee
- Hon. Martin G. Cronin, J.S.C. (retired)
- John M. Fietkiewicz, Esq. | Arnold & Porter
- Samuel P. Moulthrop, Esq. | Riker Danzig LLP
- Jeffrey D. Smith, Esq. | DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, Cole & Giblin LLP
2024-2025 Meetings
U.S. and New Jersey Supreme Court Trends in Criminal Practice | November 20, 2024
A distinguished panel of practitioners provided in-depth analysis of recent U.S. Supreme Court and New Jersey Supreme Court decisions that have significant implications for criminal practice. These decisions touch on critical matters including constitutional rights, statutory interpretation, criminal sentencing, and other related issues. The panel examined key cases, interpreted their effects on legal precedent, and discussed practical considerations for defense attorneys, prosecutors, and judges navigating the shifting legal terrain.
- David M. Eskew, Partner, Abell Eskew Landau LLP, Master, Heckel Inn of Court
- Aidan P. O’Connor, Co-Chair, Criminal Defense, and Investigations, Pashman Stein Walder Hayden P.C., Master, Heckel Inn of Court
- Kayla E. Rowe, Appellate Litigator, Rowe Law, Barrister, Heckel Inn of Court
Politics & Prosecution | September 25, 2024
This panel of seasoned prosecutors and defense attorneys delved into the multifaceted challenges unique to the prosecution and defense of public officials. Panelists shared their firsthand experiences navigating case dynamics that often involve high profile public figures, media coverage, and political interest. This panel offered an exclusive opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the intersection between law, politics, and media.
- Hon. Zahid N. Quraishi, United States District Judge, District of New Jersey
- Jennifer Mara, Managing Partner, Baldassare & Mara, LLC, President, ACDL-NJ
- Ricardo Solano, Jr., Co-Chair, White Collar & Investigations Group, Gibbons P.C.
- Andrew Wellbrock, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Public Integrity and Accountability
- Ryan M. Magee, Partner, McCarter & English, LLP, President, C. Willard Heckel Inn of Court
2023-2024 Meetings
Law Enforcement on Trial: Balancing Justice in Cases of Alleged Police Misconduct | September 20, 2023
This panel discussion explored the intricacies of trials and investigations involving those who have been sworn to protect and serve, and multifaceted issues surrounding the prosecution and defense of police officers and other members of law enforcement facing criminal charges. The panel also explored the critical role of internal affairs and administrative investigations in ensuring transparency and accountability within our justice system.
Panelists- Rahul Agarwal, Deputy Chief Counsel, NYC Office of the Chief Counsel to the Mayor and City Hall, and former Acting Principal Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of New Jersey
- Catherine M. Elston, C. Elston & Associates, LLC
- Anthony J. Iacullo, Iacullo, Martino & Reinitz
- Brian Sinclair, Senior Assistant Prosecutor, Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office
- Moderator: Ryan Magee, Partner, McCarter & English, LLP, and President, Heckel Inn of Court
Defending and Prosecuting High-Profile Cases: Strategic Challenges and Ethical Considerations | November 15, 2023
This panel discussion explored the strategic challenges and ethical considerations involved in defending and prosecuting high profile cases. The panelists are private attorneys with deep experience handling high-profile clients and cases; a public relations professional who helps firms navigate the strategic challenges; and a public affairs officer who handles media relations on a daily basis for the US Attorney’s Office.
Panelists and Moderators
- Kevin Israel, Esq., Public Relations and Crisis Management, Kessler PR Group
- Amy Luria, Esq., Critchley, Kinum & Luria, LLC
- Matthew Reilly, Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Attorney’s Office
- Lee Vartan, Esq., CSG Law
- Moderator: Tim Anderson, Managing Partner, Tim Anderson Law, LLC, and past-president, Heckel Inn of Court
- Moderator: Sabrina Comizzoli, Senior Appellate Counsel, U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of New Jersey, and immediate past-president, Heckel Inn of Court
2022-2023 Meetings
Proffer Sessions: Techniques, Strategies, and Ethical Issues Involving Multiple Representation | October 12, 2022 (hybrid)
The panelists discussed and explored the mechanics, strategies and best practices affecting client proffers with federal and state prosecuting offices from both the perspective of defense counsel and prosecutors. The discussion also explored strategic and ethical issues that arise from counsel’s representation of multiple witnesses in investigations in which proffers are sought and the interplay with joint defense agreements among parties to such investigations.
- Lee Cortes, Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of New Jersey
- K. Anthony Thomas, Interim Federal Public Defender, Office of the Federal Public Defender
- Caroline A. Oliveira, Deputy Attorney General, NJ Office of the Attorney General
- Jeffrey D. Smith, Partner, DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, Cole & Giblin, LLP
- Aidan P. O’Connor, Partner, Pashman Stein Walder Hayden P.C
Reimagining Juvenile Justice | November 16, 2022 (hybrid)
This program discussed the juvenile justice system. Too often, the justice system fails to recognize the developmental needs of the youth population and treats emerging adults in almost the same manner as older, fully mature adults. New Jersey is different and has emerged as a national leader in safely reducing the number of juveniles detained by juvenile justice system.
- Timothy K. Chatten, First Assistant Prosecutor, Camden County
- William Rodriguez, Clinical Instructor, Youth Justice & Advocacy Program, Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development
- Alicia Hubbard, Assistant Deputy Public Defender, State of New Jersey Office of the Public Defender, Appellate Division
- Rosy Arroyo, Camden County Youth Service Commission Administrator
- Laura Cohen, Distinguished Clinical Professor of Law, Justice Virginia Long Scholar, Director, Criminal and Youth Justice Clinic, Rutgers Law School
Moderator: Patricia A. Legge, Esq., LMSW, Executive Director, Volunteer UP Legal Clinic
NJ OPRA and Federal FOIA: Transparency, Confidentiality, and the Public Trust | January 25, 2023 (virtual)
Participants learned about the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA), the Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), crafting and processing information requests, public policy reasons behind encouraging transparency, exceptions, and related current events.
- Thomas J. Cafferty, Director, Commercial & Criminal Litigation Group, Gibbons P.C.
- CJ Griffin, Partner & Director of the Stein Public Interest Center, Pashman Stein Walder Hayden P.C.
- Thomas H. Prol, Member, Sills Cummis & Gross P.C.
- Kristin L. Vassallo, Deputy Chief, Civil Division, U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of New Jersey
- Sabrina G. Comizzoli, Senior Appellate Counsel, U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of New Jersey
- Ryan M. Magee, Partner, Riker Danzig LLP
Ethical Dilemmas and Cybersecurity in Law Practice | March 16, 2023 (hybrid)
Using hypotheticals, this program examined ethical dilemmas and cybersecurity – common and uncommon – arising in law practice.
- David M. Eskew, Partner, Abell Eskew Landau LLP
- John M. Fietkiewicz, Senior Counsel, Arnold & Porter
A Round Table Discussion About Firearms Law and Policy | May 10, 2023 (hybrid)
This program provided an overview of NJ and NY firearms law and insights about the NJ firearms permit process, discussed the Second Amendment and the right to possess and carry firearms, and weighed in on the effect firearms restrictions have on public health and safety. Topics also included the work of New Jersey’s Statewide Affirmative Firearms Enforcement Office and the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University.
- Jeremy Ershow, Deputy Director, Statewide Affirmative Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Office, New Jersey Office of the Attorney General
- Tom Osadnik, Assistant Prosecutor, Civil Section, Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office
- Tim Carey, Law and Policy Advisor, Center for Gun Violence Solutions, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Daniel L. Schmutter, Member, Hartman & Winnicki, P.C.
- Tisha Adams, Law Offices of Tisha Adams
- Ryan M. Magee, McCarter & English, LLP
Rutgers Institute for Professional Education is the approved New Jersey and Pennsylvania continuing legal education provider for Rutgers Law School and the C. Willard Heckel Inn of Court. Approved CLE programs also qualify for New York CLE credit pursuant to the New York Approved Jurisdiction policy.
Heckel Inn members, Rutgers Law alumni, and all attorneys are welcome and encouraged to take the high-quality, engaging, and affordable CLE programs offered by the Institute for Professional Education at Rutgers Law School at both Camden and Newark throughout the year.
For a list and details of Rutgers CLE programs, visit rutgerscle.com, email IPE@law.rutgers.edu, or call 973-353-5928.
C. Willard Heckel Inn of Court
Rutgers Law School
Center for Law and Justice
123 Washington Street, Newark, NJ 07102
973-353-5928 | IPE@law.rutgers.edu

C. Willard Heckel joined the faculty of Rutgers Law School in 1946. He was its dean from 1963 to 1970, and served as acting dean in 1973 and 1974. Dean Heckel taught, among other things, Constitutional Law and had a keen interest in mentoring students and improving the legal system.
During the 1960's. Heckel served as president of the United Community Corporation, the umbrella organization that funneled federal funds into the Johnson anti-poverty campaign. This corporation played a key role during the period before, during and after the riots, helping to empower the people of Newark to take over the city government from a corrupt regime. In addition, Heckel initiated the process of forming the Newark Legal Services Project, the pioneer legal services project in New Jersey.
Heckel, who was born in Bloomfield, New Jersey, earned a bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College, a master's degree from Columbia University, and a law degree from Rutgers.