Rutgers Law School Research Paper Forthcoming
Camilla Hrdy (co-author)
Meet our distinguished faculty—the driving force behind our institution’s excellence. Explore their expertise and valuable insights.
With more than 120 faculty members, Rutgers Law is creating one of the nation’s finest, most diverse, and most intellectually wide-ranging communities of legal scholars and clinical professors. The total of their expertise means our law school offers a curriculum with a breadth and depth few of our peers can match. Our professors are passionate about teaching in and out of the classroom: they’ll involve you in their research, amicus briefs, and clinical projects and wholeheartedly embrace the mentor role.
Our faculty features influential scholars with extensive publications, including books, law review articles, textbooks, and treatises. They are often cited in the media, consulted on legislative and policy matters, and actively engaged in legal advocacy and impact litigation.
Rutgers Law School Research Paper Forthcoming
Camilla Hrdy (co-author)
Forthcoming, Georgetown Journal of Modern Critical Race Perspectives Vol. 16
Sarah Medina Camiscoli
Fordham Law Legal Studies Research Paper No.4988673
Matteo Gatti (co-author)