Information for Employers
Our dedicated staff offers personalized attention to fulfill your hiring requirements. Benefit from our flexible services and varied approaches to connect with potential student and alumni hires. Except for job fairs, all our placement services are free.
Why a Rutgers Lawyer?
Highly Skilled. Highly Motivated. Recruiters choose Rutgers Law students for their proven excellence, work ethic, and tenacity. Our dynamic learning environment allows students to learn, practice, and master their skills. Rutgers Law students are the professionals you want on your team. Find out more about our recruiting processes below.
Contact Career Development

Employer Resources
The Center for Career Development has established these Recruiting Guidelines (“Guidelines”) to help ensure that student recruiting at Rutgers Law School is conducted by students and employers with the highest standards of professionalism, fairness, transparency, and non-discrimination.
The goal of the Guidelines is to foster and encourage communication between students and employers over the course of the recruiting process. In addition to following the specific provisions set forth below, students should keep employers informed, in a timely manner, about the status of their consideration of their offers, and employers should keep students informed in a timely manner as to the status of their candidacies. Although Rutgers Law School strongly encourages employers to adhere to these Guidelines, students are responsible for monitoring deadlines and requirements communicated by employers.
As a school member of the National Association for Law Placement (“NALP”), Rutgers Law expects employers and our students to also be guided by NALP’s Principles for a Fair & Ethical Recruitment Process.
Timing Guidelines
The On-Campus Interview (“OCI”) time periods set forth below are intended to be minimums, not maximums, and so we encourage employers to grant reasonable requests for extensions of the respective time periods.
Offer Type Offer Deadline Full-time Post Graduation Employment Offers made to rising 3L/4LE and 3L/4LE candidates No fewer than 14 days following the date of the offer letter; offers made before the first day of Rutgers Law School’s Fall OCI program should remain open for no fewer than 14 days following the first day of OCI. Summer Employment Offers made to rising 2L/3LE and 2L/3LE candidates - Offices with a summer class size of 10 or more 2L/3LE students in the prior year: No fewer than 21 days following the date of the offer letter.
- Offices with a summer class size of fewer than 10 2L/3LE students in the prior year: No fewer than 14 days following the date of the offer letter.
- Offers made by any employer before the first day of Rutgers Law School’s Fall OCI program should remain open for no fewer than 14 days following the first day of OCI.
Summer Employment Offer made to 1L/2LE candidates - Offers should remain open for no fewer than 14 days following the date of the offer letter.
- Employers should not accept applications from first-year law students until December 1 of the student’s first year of law school, nor should first-year students apply for jobs until December 1 of the student’s first year of law school.
General Guidelines Regarding Offers for Candidates & Employers
With respect to all employers and candidates:
- Candidates should not hold open more than five (5) offers of employment at any one time. For each offer received that places a candidate over the offer limit, the candidate should, within five (5) days of the excess offer, release an offer. Candidates should consult with a member of the Center for Career Development upon receiving more than one (1) offer to assist them in effectively navigating the offer and acceptance process.
- All offers for summer and post-graduation employment should be made in writing.
- Employers should grant reasonable requests from candidates for extensions of time to consider offers.
- Employers should not make “exploding” offers, requiring a candidate to decide immediately or within days.
- Candidates and employers should endeavor to avoid scheduling interviews and other recruiting activities during scheduled class times. Unfortunately, conflicts between classes and interviews may be unavoidable. Candidates should discuss any conflict with the appropriate faculty before scheduling an interview that will conflict with class times.
- Employers should refrain from pursuing students who have accepted an offer from another employer.
- Employers seeking to deviate from these Guidelines based on their circumstances should contact the Center for Career Development.
1L Advising
In order to prepare themselves for academic and career success, during the first semester of law school, 1Ls should focus on their academics and adjustment to the rigors of law school. To that end, the Center for Career Development will not provide, and 1Ls should not seek, one-on-one career counseling, application document reviews, or access to the Office’s on-line job posting board prior to October 1 of 1L year. Nothing herein is intended to limit 1Ls from engaging in opportunities to learn about the legal profession, professionalism, and professional development.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Rutgers Law School is firmly committed to a policy against discrimination based on race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, genetic information, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, military service, veteran status, and any other category protected by law. Accordingly, the school requires that employers using the services of the Center for Career Development comply with this policy, with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations and with applicable standards of the American Bar Association and the Association of American Law Schools. Employer use of this service indicates concurrence with this policy. Where employers believe that applicants in any one of these categories are unable to meet their bona fide qualifications for employment, the employer may continue to use the career development facilities of the university outside of the Law School if they inform that office in writing of their policy and the reasons. This information will be available to students.
A copy of University Regulation 60.1.8 is available upon request. Please direct any questions to the Center for Career Development.
Pursuant to the Solomon Amendments an exception to this policy is granted to the United States military. Rutgers Law makes its Center for Career Development available to military recruiters because of the potential loss of federal funds that would otherwise be imposed on schools that have a policy or practice of denying access to military recruiters.
Faculty Statement on JAG/Military Recruiting
The faculty has issued the following statement regarding the recruiting and employment policies of the US military:
It is the policy of the faculty of Rutgers Law School that employment recruiters who discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, genetic information, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, military service, veteran status, and any other category protected by law not be permitted to use the facilities of the Career Services Office. The Faculty strongly reaffirms its commitment to that policy. Due to the Solomon Amendment, however, which would withhold certain federal funds, including student work-study and Perkins loan funds, from institutions that deny access to military recruiters, the University has required the law school to permit access to the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General Corps, U.S. Air Force Judge Advocate General Corps and the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General Corps. The Faculty states strongly that the Solomon Amendment is morally wrong. Discrimination against persons on the basis of gender identity and expression is completely unacceptable --as unacceptable as any other discrimination. The law school community is committed to fight JAG's discrimination through appropriate political and legal action.
The faculty appreciates the work of those who choose to serve. The gratitude we feel, and the honor bestowed upon veterans and those in military service, heightens the inequity of the administration’s policies with respect to who may serve this country.
Job Listing Policy
All job listings are posted at the discretion of the Center for Career Development. Rutgers Law School (RLS) reserves the right to remove, edit, or refuse to post a job announcement and without providing notice to an employer.
- RLS will not post jobs that appear to discriminate against applicants on the basis of any protected characteristic or class, nor will we post jobs that do not appear to support the interests of Rutgers Law School.
- Job postings encouraging the unauthorized practice of law will not be accepted. Law students may perform legal work only under the supervision of an attorney licensed in the relevant jurisdiction. A law student who undertakes legal representation without supervision of a licensed attorney may be subject to criminal or civil penalties for the unauthorized practice of law.
- RLS does not restrict postings based merely on the viewpoint(s) of an employer; however, we reserve the right at our sole discretion to not post any position announcement, or to remove any posting, deemed inappropriate for our students or alumni, including but not limited to job listings advertising unfair or inappropriate wages.
- RLS will not post positions from employers who have been the subject of serious or repeated complaints from students or alumni (including but not limited to, abusive or inappropriate behavior, failure to pay or pay promptly, and job listings advertising unfair or inappropriate wages).
- RLS will not post unpaid internships that do not comply with the US Department of Labor Rules for Unpaid Internships.
Job Listing Disclaimer
Job listings are based on the information provided by the employer offering the position. We make no representation, warranties, guarantees, or promises (express or implied) about the accuracy of information provided by the employer.
We are not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, skills, work ethic, taxes, injuries, or any aspect of employment for either the employer or the employee.
We do not screen job applicants for qualifications or perform background checks on applicants. We make no representation, warranties, guarantees, or promises (express or implied) about the accuracy of information provided by any applicant/potential employee.
We do not perform background checks or screening for employers.
We do not endorse or recommend any potential employer or applicant.
Each applicant is responsible to verify the accuracy of the posting and should exercise due diligence in applying for and accepting a position.
Use of this job posting board is entirely at the risk of the users and the University expressly disclaims any and all liability with regards to usage of this site. In addition, we are not responsible for content made available through web links to other websites.
Employers: By using our job posting board you are affirming that your posting and employment practices are in compliance with our Job Listing Policy.
To report a concern about a job posting, particularly if fraud or abuse is suspected, please contact:
Camden –
Newark –
Understanding a student's GPA is one of many factors that can help you assess a candidate’s academic background and potential as an employee. Rutgers Law School's grading system consists of the following letter grades and numerical equivalents:
A+ = 4.33
A = 4.00
A- = 3.67
B+ = 3.33
B = 3.00
B- = 2.67
C+ = 2.33
C = 2.00
C- = 1.67
D+ = 1.33
D = 1.00
F = 0.00
The mean grade-point average in required first-year courses is between 2.950 and 3.100. The mean grade-point average for Legal Analysis, Writing, Research, and Skills II is between 3.100 and 3.300.
Each semester the Dean may designate the top 25 percent of the students with the highest grade point averages in a semester as Dean's list. First-year students (those who have earned 28 or fewer units of law school work) will be considered separately from upper-class students. Calculations are made across the Newark and Camden locations together.
It is the general policy of the faculty not to publish or disclose class rank. However, certain prizes and scholarships may reveal the person in each class who is first in their class. At graduation, those who are ranked in or above the top 20 percent of their class will generally be awarded the honor. Those in the top 10 percent will also be elected to the Order of the Coif.
At Rutgers Law, we are committed to upholding anti-racist principles and taking action to combat systemic racism. Our dedication to justice, equality, and inclusivity drives us to engage in meaningful initiatives. Discover more about our efforts at the links below.