Elizabeth Acevedo

Assistant Dean for Career Development

Johanna Bond

Dean and Professor of Law

Shanida Carter

Director of Marketing and Communications

Victoria Chase

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Clinical Associate Professor of Law

Ronald K. Chen

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, University Professor, Distinguished Professor of Law, and Judge Leonard I. Garth Scholar

Clifford Dawkins

Assistant Dean and Director of the Minority Student Program

Rhasheda Douglas

Assistant Dean of the Minority Student Program

Wei Fang

Associate Dean for Information Technology and Head of Digital Services

Jill Friedman

Associate Dean for Pro Bono and Public Interest

Tai Gedeon

Senior Financial Aid Officer

Anjum Gupta

Professor of Law, and Director of the Immigrant Rights Clinic

Shani King

Vice Dean, Professor of Law, and Martha L. Minow Scholar

Arthur Laby

Vice Dean, Professor of Law, and Co-Director of the Rutgers Center for Corporate Law and Governance

Shamsiddin "Pop" Little

Assistant Dean of Admissions

J.C. Lore III

Distinguished Clinical Professor and Director of Trial Advocacy

David Noll

Professor of Law

Lenore Pearson

Assistant Director Minority Student Program (MSP)

Sarah K. Regina

Associate Dean for Student Affairs

Stephanie Richman

Senior Career Advisor

Andrew Rossner

Associate Dean for Professional and Skills Education and Distinguished Practice Professor

Nancy Rubert

Assistant Dean of Admissions

Tom Ryan

Director of Information Technology

Matthew Saleh

Senior Associate Dean for Admissions

Robert Steinbaum

Associate Dean for Advancement

Rebekah Verona

Assistant Dean for Career Development

Caroline Young

Senior Associate Dean for Information Services and Associate Professor