Two male Rutgers alum interface at a meet-and-greet.

Rutgers Law Newark Alumni Association

The Rutgers School of Law–Newark Alumni Association is a separate 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and a major resource for the law school. The mission of the association is to strengthen relationships among alumni and between alumni and the Law School community, and to advance the ideals, reputation, and educational goals of Rutgers Law School.

The Association has held the annual Alumni Recognition dinner since 1968, awarding the coveted Distinguished Alumni Award and the Fannie Bear Besser Award for Public Service to exceptional alumni of whom we are proud. This year's Alumni Recognition gala was held on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at the Maplewood Country Club. Our esteemed 2024 honorees were Conway Ekpo '07, Diana C. Manning '93, and Jacqueline C. Romero '96.

Proceeds from the annual Alumni Recognition Dinner and your direct donations enable us to sponsor the annual Weintraub Lecture, the law school reception at the New Jersey State Bar Association annual meeting, and other alumni networking events in New York and New Jersey. The Alumni Association also runs a Mentoring Program, and recognizes student achievement at graduation with the Justice Henry E. Ackerson, Jr. Prize, the Alumni Senior Prize, and the Eli Jarmel Memorial Prize.

The policies and procedures of the Rutgers School of Law–Newark Alumni Association can be found in the bylaws. A separate protocol for establishing regional chapters, pursuant to the bylaws, can be found here. All Rutgers Law School graduates from Newark are automatically members of the Alumni Association. There are no membership dues, although contributions are vital to support programs and events sponsored by the Alumni Association.

Accordion Content

  • Xiao Sun ‘11 | President (2023-24)

    Courtney Johnson '15 | President-Elect (2024-25)

    Melissa, Reilly ‘18 | Immediate Past President (2022-23)

    Soundous Bouchouar '20 | Vice-President

    Madeline Gayle ‘21 | Treasurer

    Richard Wille '19 | Secretary

  • Lorraine A. Abraham '74 Usma Ashraf-Khan '19
    Naomi Barrowclough '10 Brian Biglin '11
    Soundous Bouchouar '20 Fabrice Charles '14
    Melinda Colon-Cox '07 David Condliffe '79
    Patrick English '78 Kory Ann Ferro '13
    Madeline Gayle '21 Ruby Hope '98
    Vivian Isaboke '20 Leonard V. Jones '14
    Marissa Kingman '14 Hon. Harriet Klein (ret.) '73
    Joseph Linares '14 Kenneth Louis '14
    Mark Makhail '13 Keith Miller '93
    Helen Nau '93 Daniel Pierre '15
    Melissa Reilly '18 Maritza Rodriguez '11
    Teresa "Terry" Rodriguez '97 Courtney Johnson Santer '15
    Barbara Schweiger '98 Michael Slocum '03
    Xiao Sun '11 Richard Wille '19
    Aarin Michele Williams '10  
  • All meetings begin at 6:30pm. When meeting in person, dinner will be served at 6pm before we start business at 6:30pm.

    July Wednesday, 7/17
    August Wednesday, 8/21
    September Wednesday, 9/18
    October No October meeting. Gala to be held 10/23
    November Wednesday, 11/20
    December No December meeting.
    January Wednesday, 1/22
    February Tuesday, 2/25
    March Thursday, 3/27 – Joint Alumni Association Meeting with Camden
    April Wednesday, 4/23
    May No May meeting. NJSBA event in Atlantic City.
    June Thursday, 6/19 – Annual Business Meeting
  • For students seeking funding from the Alumni Association, please fill out the funding request form.

    July 2021: Alumni Association Remembers Professor Emeritus Frank Askin RLAW '66

    Learn about the NYC chapter of the Alumni Association.

    If you would like to get involved or volunteer with the Alumni Association, please email