Director - Center for Career Development
Stephanie Gomez
Rutgers Law School
S.I. Newhouse Center for Law and Justice
123 Washington Street
Newark, NJ 07102

Ms. Gomez works with students on all aspects of career planning and manages the department's employer outreach efforts. Prior to joining Rutgers Law School, Ms. Gomez was a litigation associate in Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman's New York office. At Pillsbury, Ms. Gomez maintained a diverse commercial, employment, and antitrust litigation practice. Ms. Gomez's commercial litigation experience focused on providing global corporations strategic advice to mitigate risk and resolve business and legal issues, including trademarks, breach of contract, and antitrust matters. She handled litigation proceedings from inception to resolution, including request for injunctive relief, motion practice, discovery, evidentiary hearings, and trial preparations. Additionally, she maintained an active pro bono practice. Ms. Gomez is a graduate of the Law School, where she was a member of the Minority Student Program, Managing Editor of Rutgers University Law Review, and Co-chair of Rutgers Moot Court Board.

  • Biography

Ms. Gomez works with students on all aspects of career planning and manages the department's employer outreach efforts.   

Prior to joining Rutgers Law School, Ms. Gomez was a litigation associate in Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman's New York office. At Pillsbury, Ms. Gomez advised clients in matters in New York and New Jersey State and federal courts and other U.S. jurisdictions. Ms. Gomez maintained a diverse commercial litigation and arbitration practice, with a focus on employment disputes, antitrust and anticompetitive activity, and white-collar crime and internal investigations.  

Ms. Gomez's commercial litigation experience focused on providing global corporations strategic advice to mitigate risk and resolve business and legal issues. She represented clients as both plaintiffs and defendants in matters related to the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Clayton Act, the Lanham Act, the False Claims Act, as well as common law claims related to theft of trade secrets and confidential and proprietary information, breach of contract, tortious interference with contracts and business relations, defamation and business disparagement, and unfair competition.   

She handled litigation proceedings from inception to resolution, including request for injunctive relief, motion practice, discovery, evidentiary hearings, and trial preparations. Additionally, she maintained an active pro bono practice. Ms. Gomez is a graduate of the Law School, where she was a member of the Minority Student Program, Managing Editor of Rutgers University Law Review, and Co-chair of Rutgers Moot Court Board.