Wednesday, October 4, 2017 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm

The School of Criminal Justice is sponsoring a campus-wide information session and bone marrow drive at its event called REAL- Rutgers Eradicating Acute Leukemias, on October 4 from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Paul Robeson Campus Center.

The Robeson Center is located at 350 Martin Luther King Boulevard in Newark.

A recipient and  donor will be speaking along with representative from the Rutgers Nursing School. Speakers will be moderated by CLJ Dean Rod K. Brunson. 

This event is being co-hosted with Be The Match Foundation, to register possible donors who may potentially be a match for patients undergoing bone marrow/stem cell transplants.There will be food and gifts at the event and there is no charge to register as a potential bone marrow donor.

Visitors will learn about the importance of donor commitment, and participate in a critical discussion of the under-representation of certain demographic groups that make up the donor registry.