May 4, 2021
"Rutgers provided a foundation that would allow me to springboard and take my place among the legal profession."

Conway Ekpo RLAW ‘07, recently became Director and Associate General Counsel at Brex, after working as an Executive Director and counsel at Morgan Stanley. Ekpo, an investor in venture capital and cryptocurrency, was advisory counsel to Morgan Stanley’s digital wealth management strategy and previously provided legal advice to Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Global Wealth & Investment Management. He reflected on his time at Rutgers Law School, where he has served as an adjunct professor for nearly a decade.  

“As the oldest of six children, I am the first in my family to obtain a degree beyond high school. Although I came from humble beginnings, my parents always placed a premium on education that instilled a genuine desire in me to learn. At Rutgers Law School, this manifested itself in many ways, including when I was named to the Rutgers Law Review and again when I was selected to become one of its managing editors. As a small-town kid from Kansas, what I found in Rutgers – and in particular through the Rutgers Minority Student Program (“MSP”) – was a home away from home. Rutgers provided a foundation that would allow me to springboard and take my place among the legal profession. Today, I am a valuable member of the Product Legal team at Brex.  I’m responsible for educating myself on the latest trends and regulatory updates from each of the many federal and state agencies that oversee the financial markets in which the company does business. In addition, I am also tasked with knowing the latest technological advances in the fintech industry and how the law impacts these innovative approaches to servicing customers in a virtual world. My Rutgers law degree has prepared me for all of these challenges so I am deeply indebted to Rutgers Law School and to the MSP. Accordingly, I regularly give back to the school as an Adjunct Law Professor and also by providing mentorship and sponsorship to the generations of MSP students who are coming up behind me.”

Rutgers Law Media Contact:
Shanida Carter

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