Assistant Professor of Law
Tomica Saul
Rutgers Law School
S.I. Newhouse Center for Law and Justice
123 Washington Street
Newark, NJ 07102
  • Biography
  • Publications
  • Courses Taught
  • Expertise

Professor Saul is the Co-Director of the Community and Transactional Lawyering Clinic. In the clinic, students provide legal services in a range of transactional, regulatory, and governance matters to start up companies, small businesses, sole proprietors, and community organizations based in Northern, NJ.

Her scholarship focuses on access to entrepreneurship as a means of economic empowerment among underrepresented groups. She is particularly interested in examining the efficacy of programs and policies designed for low-income entrepreneurs. Through her work, she explores how to improve policy design through variety of legal tools. 

Professor Saul joined the full time Rutgers faculty in 2023. Prior to this role, Professor Saul was the staff attorney for the Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic at Columbia Law School. Prof. Saul began her legal career at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP in the firm’s mergers and acquisitions/joint ventures group, and subsequently worked on the communications team for the 2012 Democratic National Convention. In addition to her legal career, Professor Saul is an entrepreneur and started TomCookery, a catering and hospitality management company. After nine years in the food and hospitality industry, she pivoted her focus to helping small business owners through the clinic.



Market Identity Politics (work-in-progress).

Reparative Entrepreneurship: The Business of War on Drugs Reparations, __ Colum. Bus. L. Rev. __  (forthcoming 2025)

Courses Taught
  • Clinical Legal Education
  • Commercial Transactions
  • Contracts