Assistant Dean for Career Development
Elizabeth Acevedo
Rutgers Law School
S.I. Newhouse Center for Law and Justice
123 Washington Street
Newark, NJ 07102
(973) 353-5555
  • Biography
  • Expertise

Elizabeth Acevedo serves as the Assistant Dean for the Center for Career Development at the Newark Campus, where she oversees the Law School’s career services initiatives. Additionally, she serves on the Chancellor’s Career Leadership Team, the Alumnae Network Executive Committee, and the Minority Student Program faculty committee.

Prior to joining Rutgers Law, Acevedo was the Deputy Chief of the Domestic Violence Bureau at the Office of the Bronx District Attorney, where she supervised a team of trial attorneys, oversaw all aspects of case management from investigations to hearings and trials, and played a critical role in the recruitment of Assistant District Attorneys.

Acevedo and her team were selected from 800 university-wide nominations for the Rutgers University 2023 Presidential Employee Excellence Recognition Award, recognizing individuals and teams for their service to students and employees, their role in cultivating a beloved community, making a lasting difference beyond the university’s borders and excellence in their work. They were nominated by their former Co-Dean, alumni and current students.

Acevedo is a graduate of the American University, Washington College of Law. She also serves as an adjunct professor teaching a course on domestic violence law theory and practice.

  • Criminal Law
  • Criminal Procedure
  • Criminal Trial Practice
  • Domestic Violence