Anibal Rosario-Lebrón
Associate Professor of Law

Professor Rosario-Lebrón is a Puerto Rican professor, attorney, linguist, and photographer. He holds an LL.M. in Legal Theory from New York University and a J.D., a Post-Graduate Certificate in Linguistics, and a B.S. from the University of Puerto Rico. Before joining Rutgers, he taught at Howard University, University of Louisville, and Hofstra University. Professor Rosario-Lebrón also has taught at Universidad de Puerto Rico and Universidad Interamericana. He is a former member of the Board of Directors of LatCrit. His research examines the interconnection between Evidence, Family, Criminal and Constitutional Law from a cross-disciplinary lens. Specifically, he studies how to reform the law to empower groups such as women, people of color, LGTBQ+ people, and minors in their pursuit of equality. Professor Rosario-Lebrón is also committed to bridging the educational achievement gap and has worked in numerous pipeline initiatives.
If These Blackboards Could Talk 2: The Feminist-Crit Classroom, 60 Fam. Ct. Rev. 793 (2022).
A Wee Bit Racist: What Are The Rules Of Evidence, Alex?, 1 LSU L. J. Soc. Just. & Pol’y 7 (2022).
The Ouroboros of Identity Politics, 30 Tul. J. L. & Sexuality, 131 (2021).
Evidence’s #MeToo Moment, 74 U. Miami L. Rev. 1 (2019).
If These Blackboards Could Talk: The Crit Classroom, A Battlefield, 9 Charleston L. Rev. 305 (2015).
For Better and for Better: The Case for Abolishing Civil Marriage, 5 Wash. U. Jur. Rev. 189 (2013).
La juridificación de la familia y su construcción como ente apolítico [The Juridification of the Family and its Construct as a Non-Political Entity], Revista Electrónica del Instituto de Investigaciones Ambrosio L. Gioja, Año V, Número Especial, 616 (2011).
De invisibilidad, torceduras y rectitud, todas las familias tenemos un poco [All families are a bit queer, invisible, and straight], Revista Cayey 89:71 (noviembre 2009).
La revolución dentro de la revolución: Una mirada a la situación de la mujer en la Cuba socialista [The Revolution within the Revolution: A Perspective on the Condition of Women in Socialist Cuba], 75 REV. JUR. UPR 731 (2006).
Pago por tercero en las pensiones alimentarias: Evaluación crítica de su posible adopción en el nuevo Código Civil de Puerto Rico [Child Support Payments by Third Parties: An Analysis of Its Possible Incorporation into the Civil Code of Puerto Rico], 73 REV. JUR. UPR 1025 (2004).
Reconstrucción social del convicto por delitos sexuales: Una propuesta terapéutica para establecer en Puerto Rico una Corte de Delitos Sexuales [The Social Reconstruction of Sexual Convicts: A Therapeutic Proposal for the Creation of a Sex Crimes Court in Puerto Rico]. La Catarsis de Quirón, Vol. 3, Núm. 1 (2004).
Book Chapters
Commentary to Marvin v. Marvin, 557 P.2d 106 (Cal. 1976) in Feminist Judgments: Family Law (Rachel Rebouche ed.) 117-25 (Cambridge University Press) (2020).
United States v. Morrison, 529 U.S. 598 (2000) in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Opinions of the United States Supreme Court (Kathy Stanchi, Linda Berger & Bridget Crawford eds.) 452-67 (Cambridge University Press) (2016).
Response Articles
When Saying Gay Is No Longer Sufficient: Response to Marie-Amélie George’s Expanding LGBT, 73 Fla. L. Rev. F. 21 (2023).
Law’s Power in Naming & Silencing, JOTWELL (November 8, 2023) (reviewing Lisa Washington, Survived & Coerced: Epistemic Injustice in the Family Regulation System, 124 Colum. L. Rev. 1097 (2022)).
On Pointe: The Right of Children to Explore their Gender Identity, JOTWELL (September 13, 2021) (reviewing Marie-Amelie George, Exploring Identity, 54 Fam. L. Q. __ (Forthcoming, 2021)).
Rounding the Square Peg: Matsumura’s Redefining of Status Regulatory Schemes, JOTWELL (November 3, 2020) (reviewing Kaiponanea T. Matsumura, Breaking Down Status, 89 Wash. U. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming Jan. 2021)).
Book Review: Speaking in Queer Tongues: Globalization and Gay Language (Leap, W. L., & Boellstorff, T. Eds.), 18 Revista de Ciencias Sociales 175 (Summer 2008).
De derechos y reveses, Reseña: Ni una vida más para la toga [Book Review: Not A Life More for the Robe] (Daniel Nina Ed.), El Nuevo Día, 26 de noviembre de 2006.
Selected Blog-Newspaper Articles
Democracy joined the group, 80 Grados (2 de agosto de 2019).
A Winning Tradition: The PR Criminal Trial Advocacy Competition, From the Bar (2012-2013 Winter/Spring).
Atando los cabos sueltos del machismo en el sistema judicial de P.R. [Tying Up the Loose Ends of Machismo in P.R.’s Judicial System], DerechoalDerecho (2011).
Weaponizing Civil Liberties: A Crisis Lens Analysis to Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity & Expression (SSOGIE) Equality¸ Eighth Applied Legal Storytelling Conference (July 2021); Arkansas Law School Atkinson Colloquium on LGBTQ Law and Policy (March 2021); 2021 Feminist Legal Theory Conference (April 2021).
Herramientas en el Derecho Evidenciario para la Adjudicación Efectiva en Casos de Agresión Sexual, Congreso Judicial Justicia con Perspectiva de Género (June 2021)
Teoría Crítica de la Raza: Una propuesta que causa polémica en Georgia, Univision (May 2021)
The Rules that Bond White Supremacy, Fighting White Supremacy in the 21st Century, Inaugural LSU Law Journal for Social Justice & Policy Symposium (March 2021).
"Fui a buscar apoyo y encontré más violencia", Probono Justicia En Salud Derecho (December 2020)
Strategies for Efficient, Sustainable, & Transformative Online Teaching [Teaching Plenary] 2020 Family Law Scholars & Teachers Conference (June 2020) [Co-Presenter with Prof. Jamie Abrams].
Aníbal Rosario-Lebrón on Truth and the Federal Rules of Evidence, Ipse Dixit (February 2020).
Verano del ‘19: Fleeting or Enduring Co(Ally)tions?, From Hurricane Maria to the Political Summer Storm of 2019 (September 2019, Pittsburg, PA)
From Interview to Judicial Opinion: Using Civil Right Litigation to Train Practice Ready Attorneys, 2019 Biennial Empire State Legal Writing Conference (May 2019, New York).
Bridging the Access to Justice Gap through Bilingual Education, 4th National People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference, American University (March 2019, Washington).
Is Law an Effective Tool against Gender Bias? From the Classroom to the Boardroom: A Discussion about Gender Bias Workshop [Roundtable] (April 2015, Louisville).
Spanish for Lawyers Workshop, 3rd Annual MetroLALSA Conference Pa’lante: Raising the Bar (April 2013, New Jersey); 4th Annual MetroLALSA Conference Pa’lante: Arriba Juntos (April 2014, New York).
Effective Lawyering Workshop – A week-long workshop for the attorneys of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Equatorial Guinea and Centurion Law Firm (main counsel to the Energy industry in the Gulf of Guinea) (June 2014, May 2013 - Malabo, Equatorial Guinea).
Marriage: For Gays, For Straights, or For No One?, Day of Dialogue at Hofstra University (October 2012, New York).
18 IUS SOLI-Il diritto di essere Italiani [18 Jus Soli-The Right of Being Italian], A Round Table on the film by Fred Kudjo Kuwornu, Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò New York University (May 2012, New York)