Dennis Kim-Prieto
Reference Librarian, and Associate Professor

Dennis Prieto has served as a librarian and professor at the Rutgers School of Law since November 2005. He is an award-winning author, an internationally-recognized expert in Law Student Information Literacy, and has been cited by the Federal District Courts as an authority on bilingual English-Spanish legal reference sources. He has taught courses such as Foreign, Comparative and International Legal Research, Introduction to Law Librarianship (through the Rutgers School of Communication and Information) and Administrative Legal Research. Highly active with the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL), he has served on AALL’s Copyrights Committee, Diversity Committee, Appointments Committee, and Bluebook Committee, and has also served as President of the New Jersey Law Librarians Association (NJLLA). He has also worked closely with the National Council of Bar Examiners (NCBE) as well as serving on Site Evaluation Teams for the American Association of Law Schools (AALS) and the American Bar Association (ABA).
February 2021: “Wither Law Student Information Literacy?” Conference Proceeding Chapter in LEARNING INFORMATION LITERACY ACROSS THE GLOBE, Frankfurt am Main, May 10th 2019 (Alexander Botte; Paul Libbrecht; & Marc Rittberger, eds.), Frankfurt am Main: DIPF 2021.
September 2019: “Keeping Up with New Legal Titles,” 111(3) LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL 452 (reviewing Marnix Snel and Janaina de Moraes, DOING A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW IN LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP [2018]).
September 2018: “Leaders of Today,” chapter in CELEBRATING DIVERSITY: A LEGACY OF MINORITY LEADERSHIP IN THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF LAW LIBRARIES, William S. Hein & Co., Inc., Buffalo, N.Y. (Shamika Dinice Dalton, University of Florida, ed.) Awarded Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award, AALL, April 2019.
April 2015: (with Mustafa Kerem KahvecioÄŸlu, Istanbul Bilgi University) “Three Faces of Information Literacy in Legal Studies: Research Instruction and Law Student Information Literacy Standards in the American Common Law, British Common Law, and Turkish Civilian Legal Traditions” 42(2) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL INFORMATION 293.
January 2014: (with Carol Parker, University of New Mexico) “Implementing Effective Legal Research Pedagogy in Contemporary U.S. Law Schools: Challenges and Opportunities,” chapter in THE BOULDER STATEMENTS ON LEGAL RESEARCH EDUCATION: THE INTERSECTION OF THE INTELLECTUAL AND THE PRACTICAL, William S. Hein & Co., Inc., Buffalo, N.Y.
February 2012: (with Coen van Laer, Maastricht University Law Library) “The Possible Dream: Perfecting Bilingual Law Dictionaries by Distinguishing Better Examples from Bad,” 39(2) INT’L J. LEGAL INFO. 237.
November 2011: “The Road Not Yet Taken: How Law Student Information Literacy Standards Address Identified Issues in Legal Research Education & Training," 103(4) LAW LIBR. J. 605.
May 2011: (with Vicenç Feliú, University of District of Columbia Law Library, and Teresa Miguel, Yale Law Library) “A Closer Look: A Symposium Among Legal Historians and Law Librarians to Uncover the Spanish Roots of the Louisiana Civil Law,” 38 (3) INT’L J. LEGAL INFO. 295.
September 2008: “Keeping Up with New Legal Titles,” 100 LAW LIBR. J. 761 (reviewing MARC FALKOFF, ED., POEMS FROM GUANTÁNAMO: THE DETAINEES SPEAK [2007]).
May 2008: “En la tierra del ciego: Problems with Current English-Spanish Legal Dictionaries, and Notes toward a Critical Comparative Legal Lexicography,” 100 L. LIBR.J. 251. Cited in United States v. Guerrero, 806 F. Supp. 2d 992, 1003 (S.D. Tex., 2011) (observing that while “[s]ome of the most common English-Spanish legal dictionaries are partially useful, … [most] fail to offer critical information necessary to individuals [who] seek meaning and context for the terms and terms of art essential to inter-American legal practice”).
May 2008: “A Tribute to Robert L. Oakley,” 100 LAW LIBR.J. 241.