Elenore Wade
Assistant Professor of Law

Elenore Wade is an Assistant Professor of Law at Rutgers Law School in Camden. Professor Wade's scholarship interrogates the political economy of health and welfare law and analyzes the multifaceted ways the law organizes the lives of the poor. Her scholarship on public healthcare finance law explores the role of carceralism, social movements, and labor discipline, and seeks to offer both political-theoretrical and historical analysis of healthcare and poverty law.
Professor Wade earned her J.D. from The George Washington University Law School and is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University. She joined Rutgers Law from the George Washington University Law School, where she was a Visiting Associate Professor and Friedman Fellow in the Prisoner & Reentry Clinic, an intensive litigation clinic where students wrote and argued motions on behalf of prisoners seeking early release after decades of incarceration. While at George Washington, she also helped develop and taught in a racial justice reading group taught by the clinical faculty. She has prior experience as a staff attorney and Equal Justice Works Fellow at Bread for the City in Washington, D.C., where she focused on healthcare and welfare rights litigation.
State Legislatures and the Uptake Puzzle in Expungement of Criminal Records, with Jessica K. Steinberg, 100 Indiana L.J. __ (forthcoming 2025)
The Undeserving Poor and the Marketization of Medicaid, 72 Buff. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024)
Predatory Decarceration, 74 Duke L.J. Online 29 (2024)
Extractive Welfare: Medicaid Statutory Recovery Formulas After Gallardo v. Marstiller, 58 Richmond L. Rev. 459 (2024)
Health Injustice in the Laboratories of Democracy, 29 Geo. J. Pov. L. & Pol'y 177 (2022)