Christina Ho
Professor of Law
Christina S. Ho, Professor of Law at Rutgers Law School, was formerly the Country Director for the Clinton Foundation’s China program. She also worked on the White House Domestic Policy Council during the Clinton Administration, as well as Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s legislative staff. She joined Rutgers Law from the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University Law Center where she founded the China Health Law Initiative.

Professor Christina S. Ho joined the Rutgers faculty in 2010 from the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University Law Center, where she was a Senior Fellow and Project Director of the China Health Law Initiative. She was previously Country Director and senior policy advisor for the Clinton Foundation’s China program. During the Clinton Administration, she worked on the Domestic Policy Council at the White House and later led Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s health legislative staff. She is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. She served as Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development and New Programs at Rutgers Law from 2019-2021. Her book, Normalizing an American Right to Health, was published this year by Oxford University Press and proposes a fresh playbook for realizing the right to health in the U.S.
Normalizing an American Right to Health (Oxford University Press, 2023) OUP (draft intro on SSRN)
Book Chapters
\"Doe v. Mutual of Omaha Commentary,\" in Feminist Legal Judgments:Rewritten Health Law Opinions (Seema Mohapatra and Lindsay Wiley, eds., forthcoming December 2022) SSRN
“Health Rights at the Juncture of State and Market: The People’s Republic of China,” in The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide: A Global Comparative Study (Colleen Flood and Aeyal Gross, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2014) SSRN.
\"Health Reinsurance as a Human Right,\" in Insurance and Human Rights (Margarida Lima Rego and Birgit Kuschke, eds., 2022) SSRN.
With Liberty and Reinsurance for All: The Deep Case for a Government Backstop in Health Care, 100 Denver L. Rev. 39 (2022) link
Health Impact Assessments: A Negative Procedural Health Right? 50 Seton Hall L. Rev. 643 (2020) SSRN
Are We Suffering from an Undiagnosed Health Right. 42 Am. J. of L. and Medicine 743 (2016) SSRN
Exceptions Meet Absolutism: Outlawing Governmental Underreach in Health Law, 93 Denver L. Rev. 109 (2015) SSRN
Budgeting on Autopilot: Does Sequestration Lock-In Status Quo Majority Advantage?, 50 Tulsa L. Rev. 695 (2015) SSRN
In Defense of Circular Reasoning: The Affordable Care Act and the Resilience of Law and Self-Reference, 5 William & Mary Pol’y Rev. 1 (2014) SSRN
Identifying Gaps in International Food Safety Regulations (with Benn McGrady), 66 Food & Drug L. J. 183 (2011)
Health Care Reform and De Facto Federalism in China, 8 China: An Int’l J. 33 (2010) SSRN
Backfiring in Race Relations and Markets, 13 Stanford L. & Pol’y Rev. 323 (2002) SSRN
Other Publications
Is the Health of the People Part of the Inner Morality of Law, JOTWELL (November 2023) (reviewing Wendy Parmet, Constitutional Contagion: COVID, the Courts, and Public Health (CUP 2023)
If We Can Cover Catastrophic Bank Failures, We Can Cover Catastrophic Health Costs, Slate (May 15, 2023)
Health Insurance Sales Pitch: We Are Our Best Selves, JOTWELL (December 2022) (reviewing Wendy Epstein, Christopher T. Robertson, David Yokum, Hansoo Ko, Kevin H. Wilson, Monica Ramos, Katherine Kettering & Margaret Houtz, Can Moral Framing Drive Insurance Enrollment in the United States?, 19 J. Empirical Legal Stud. 1740 (2022))
Medical Necessity, Then and Now, JOTWELL (December 2021) (reviewing Amy B. Monahan and Daniel Schwarcz Rules of Medical Necessity, 107 Iowa L. Rev. ___ (forthcoming))
Bail Out Humans, Bill of Health, Harvard Law Petrie-Flom Center Blog, (May 19, 2021)
Our Reinsurance Moment, JOTWELL (July 2020) (reviewing Govind Persad, Expensive Patients, Reinsurance and the Future of Health Reform, 69 Emory L.J. 1153 (2020)
Medicaid for All Who Face the Coronavirus, Slate (March 6, 2020)
State Single-Payer, JOTWELL (December 2019) (reviewing Erin Fuse Brown and Elizabeth McCluskey, Federalism, ERISA, and State Single-Payer Health Care, 168 U. Penn L. Rev. 369 (2020)
Medicare for All and Medicare for America: What Are We Fighting Over? Part I and II, Law and Political Economy (LPE) Blog (July 23, 2019)
That Texas Judge Only Ruled Against Obamacare to Troll the Libs, Slate (December 20, 2018)
Giorgio Agamben and the Task of Health Law in a Biopolitical Age. JOTWELL (October 2018)
Mapping the Axis of Disability onto the Axis of Race: Can we Reclaim the Possibilities, JOTWELL (October 2017) (reviewing Kimani Paul-Emile, Blackness as Disability, 106 Geo. L. J 293)
An Internationally Justiciable Right, JOTWELL (August 3, 2016) (reviewing Lisa Forman, Can Minimum Core Obligations Survive a Reasonableness Standard of Review Under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights?, 47 Ottawa L. Rev. __).
“China’s Health Care Reform: Background and Policies” in Implementing Health Care Reform Policies in China: Challenges and Opportunities 1 (Charles W. Freeman III and Xiaoqing L. Boynton eds., CSIS 2011)
The Social Face of Economic Growth: China’s Health System in Transition (with Lawrence O. Gostin), 301 JAMA 1809 (2009)