Craig N. Oren
Professor Emeritus
Craig N. Oren is an expert on the federal Clean Air Act. He teaches administrative, environmental law, property, estates and trusts. He has published extensively about the Clean Air Act and has served on the National Academy of Sciences Committee studying the Act's implementation.

Professor Oren teaches courses in environmental law, administrative law, estates and trusts, and property. He is an expert on the federal Clean Air Act and has written extensively about the Act's attempts to protect clean air; to induce people not to drive to work; and to set air quality standards that will protect public health.
Professor Oren is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. Prior to joining the Rutgers faculty in 1984, Professor Oren clerked for Justice Matthew O. Tobriner of the California Supreme Court, practiced litigation at Schiff Hardin & Waite in Chicago; served as assistant counsel for the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives; and was a consultant to the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Air and Radiation.
He has been a visiting professor at both the University of North Carolina School of Law and the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law. Professor Oren has lectured widely on environmental issues around the country. He has served on National Research Council committees on visibility, hazardous air pollutants and new source review, and helped write the reports issued by those committees.
Is the Clean Air Act at a Crossroads?, 40 Environmental Law 1231-1260 (2010) available at
(with David Evans, Ben Hobbs, and Karen Palmer) Modeling the Effects of Changes in New Source Review on National SO2 and NOx Emissions from Electricity-Generating Units, 42 Env’t Sci & Technology 347-353 (2008)
Encyclopedia articles on “Immigration & Naturalization Service v. Chada” and “Air Pollution” for Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court (Gale Press, forthcoming).
National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Changes in New Source Review Programs For Stationary Sources of Air Pollution, New Source Review For Stationary Sources of Air Pollution (2006) (member of authoring committee)
Whitman v. American Trucking Associations – The Ghost of Delegation Revived. . . and Exorcised, chapter 1 (pages 7-44) in Peter Strauss (ed.) Administrative Law Stories (Foundation Press 2006).
Air Quality and North American Borders, June 18, 2004, paper delivered at conference at the University of Windsor, Ontario, available through google search of “Craig Oren, Windsor, Canadian-American”
Be Careful What You Wish For: Amending the Administrative Procedure Act, 56 Admin. L. Rev. 1141-57 (2004).
The Supreme Court Forces A U-Turn: The Fate of American Trucking, 34 Envtl. L. Rep. 10,687-10,703 (2004).
Clean Air and Interstate Transport: Seeing the Big Picture, 10 N.Y.U. Envt'l L.J. 196-216 (2002).
The Problems of Teaching Administrative Law: We Can't Solve Them Alone, 38 Louisville L. R. 193-216 (2000). Run Over by American Trucking Part II: Can EPA Implement Revised Air Quality Standards?, 30 Envt'l L. Rep. 10,034-10,048 (2000).
Run Over by American Trucking Part I: Can EPA Revive Its Air Quality Standards? 29 Environmental Law Rep. 10,653-10,664 (1999).
How A Mandate Came From Hell: The Makings of the Federal Employee Trip Reduction Program, 28 Envtl L. Rep. 267-373 (1998).
Detail and Implementation: The Example of Employee Trip Reduction, 17 Va. Envtl. L.J. 123-186 (1998).
Getting Commuters Out of Their Cars: What Went Wrong?, 17 Stan. Envtl. L.J. 141-243 (1998).
Stensvaag & Oren, Clean Air Act Law and Policy (John Wiley) (author of Chapter 14 on permitting program, and chapter 2 on the basics of the Clean Air Act).
National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Risk Assessment of Hazardous Air Pollutants, Science and Judgement in Risk Assessment (1994) (member of authoring committee).
National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Haze in National Parks and Wilderness Areas, Protecting Visibility in National Parks and Wilderness Areas (1993) (member of authoring committee).
National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Haze in National Parks and Wilderness Areas, Haze in the Grand Canyon: An Evaluation of the Winter Haze Intensive Tracer Experiment (1990) (member of authoring committee).
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: A Bridge to the Future?, 21 Envtl.L. 1817 (1991).
Detail and Delegation: A Study in Statutory Specificity, 15 Colum. J. Envtl.L. 143-240 (1990).
Clearing the Air: The McCubbins-Noll-Weingast Hypothesis and the Clean Air Act, 9 Va. Env. L. J. 45-97 (1989).
The Protection of Parklands from Air Pollution: A Look at Current Policy, 13 Harv. Envtl L. Rev. 313-422 (1989). (republished in 22 Land Use & Env't L. Rev. 405 (1991)).
Prevention of Significant Deterioration: Control-Compelling Versus Site-Shifting, 74 Iowa L. Rev. 1-114 (1988). (republished in 21 Land Use & Env't L. Rev. 445 (1990)).