
Professor Patterson, who holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy and a J.D. from the University at Buffalo, writes in the fields of commercial law, trade law and legal philosophy. Professor Patterson has been awarded Senior Research grants from the Fulbright Commission, Humboldt Stiftung, and the American Council of Learned Societies. He was the 2005 holder of the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Law at Trento University. The author of numerous books and articles in both commercial law and legal philosophy, Professor Patterson has been a visiting professor at the universities of Berlin, Vienna, Texas and Georgetown. He was on leave from 2009 – 2017 at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, where he held the Chair in Legal Theory and Legal Philosophy. He has returned full-time to Rutgers Law School.


Books: Minds, Brains and Law: The Conceptual Foundations of Law and Neuroscience (with Michael Pardo), Oxford University Press (2013) ;The New Global Trading Order: The Evolving State and the Future of Trade (with Ari Afilalo), Cambridge University Press (2008); Paperback Edition with New Preface (2010): Blackwell Companion to European Union Law and International Law, Wiley-Blackwell (Co-Editor together with Anna Södersten (2016)); Philosophical Foundations of Law and Neuroscience, Oxford University Press (2016) (edited collection of papers on current issues in the intersection of Law and Neuroscience) (with Michael S. Pardo) (2016); Legal Insanity and the Brain: Science, Law and European Courts, Hart Publishing (with Sofia Moratti) (2016); Neurolaw and Responsibility for Action: Concepts, Courts and Crimes, Cambridge University Press (Co-Editor with Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov and Peter Raynor) (2016); Blackwell Anthology in the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory (2003); Recht und Wahrheit (translation of Law and Truth) (Nomos Verlag 1999); An Introduction to Commercial Law (West Publishing 1999) (with Richard Hyland); Introduction to The Philosophy of Law (Oxford University Press 1999) (with Jefferson White); Law and Truth, (Oxford University Press 1996). General Editor, Blackwell Companion to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory (Blackwell 1996). Editor, Postmodernism and Law (Dartmouth and New York University Press (1994)Editor, Wittgenstein and Legal Theory (Westview Press 1992)Good Faith and Lender Liability (Butterworths 1990) 

Recent Articles: Criminal Law, Neuroscience and Voluntary Acts, Journal of Law and The Biosciences (2016) ; Transnational Law, in Handbook on the Theory and Practice of International Lawmaking 56-65  Edward Elgar (2016) ; The Promise of Neuroscience for Law: ‘Overclaiming’ in Jurisprudence, Morality, and Economics, in Philosophical Foundations of Law and Neuroscience, Oxford University Press (with Michael S. Pardo) (2016); The Nature of International Law, in Wiley-Blackwell Companion to EU Law and International Law (2016) (with Anna Södersten); The Dark Future of Constitutionalism, Review Essay reviewing Alexander Somek, The Cosmopolitan Constitution (OUP, 2014), 30 Constitutional Commentary 667 (2015); The Gathering and Use of Neuroscientific Evidence in Criminal Trials in the United States. Compatibility with the 4th and 5th Amendments and with Due Process, Rivista di filosofia del diritto (Journal of Legal Philosophy) 41-70 (2014) (Special Issue on Law and Neuroscience)