Earl M. Maltz
Distinguished Professor of Law
Earl Maltz is a Distinguished Professor and the author of two books and more than 50 articles on constitutional law, statutory interpretation, the role of the courts and legal history. He teaches constitutional law, employment discrimination, conflicts of law and a seminar on the Supreme Court

Professor Maltz is the author of nine books and many articles on constitutional law, statutory interpretation, the role of the courts and legal history. His books include The Coming of the Nixon Court: The 1972 Term of the Supreme Court and the Transformation of Constitutional Law, which was published by the University Press of Kansas in 2016, and Slavery and the Supreme Court, 1825-1861, which was published by the University Press of Kansas in 2009. Professor received his B.A. from Northwestern University, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and his J.D. cum laude from Harvard. He teaches Constitutional Law, Torts, Employment Discrimination, Conflicts of Law, and a seminar on the Supreme Court.
The Chief Justiceship of Warren Burger (2000)
Rethinking Constitutional Law: Originalism, Intervenitonism, and the Politics of Judicial Review (1994).
Civil Rights, The Constitution and Congress, 1863-1869 (1990).
Articles, Extended Comments, and Review Essays:
Justice Kennedy's Vision of Federalism (forthcoming, Rutgers Law Journal) (symposium on Federalism after Alden).
Majority, Concurrence and Dissent: Prigg v. Pennsylvania and the Structure of Supreme Court Decisionmaking (forthcoming, Rutgers Law Journal).
Brown v. Board of Education, in Robert George, ed., Great Cases in Constitutional Law (forthcoming, Princeton University Press).
The Concept of Incorporation, 33 U. Rich. L. Rev. 525 (1999). (Symposium on The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction).
The Full Faith and Credit Clause and the First Restatement: The Place of Baker v. General Motors in Choice of Law Theory 73 Tulane Law Review 305 (1999).
Brown v. Board of Education, in William Eskridge and Sanford Levinson, eds. Constitutional Stupidities and Constitutional Tragedies (New York University Press, 1999).
The Idea of the Pro-Slavery Constitution, 17 Journal of the Early Republic 37 (1997).
Originalism and the Desegregation Decisions: A Response to Professor McConnell, 13 Const. Comm. 223 (1996).
Citizenship, Alienage and the Constitution 28 Ariz. State L.J. (1996)
The Unlikely Hero of Dred Scott: Benjamin Robbins Curtis and the Constitutional Law of Slavery 17 Cardozo L. Rev. 1995 (1996) (symposium on the law of slavery).
The Waite Court and Federal Power to Enforce the Reconstruction Amendments, in Jennifer M. Lowe, ed., The Supreme Court and the Civil War 75-88 (1996).
Only Partially Color-Blind: John Marshall Harlan's View of Race and the Constitution 12 Ga. State Law Review 973 (1996) (symposium on the 100th anniversary of Plessy v. Ferguson).
A Dissenting Opinion to Brown, 20 So. Ill. L.J. 93 (1995) (symposium on the 40thanniversary of Brown v. Board of Education).
The Impact of the Constitutional Revolution of 1937 on the Dormant Commerce Clause--A Case Study in the Decline of State Autonomy, 19 Harv. J. of Law and Pub. Policy 121 (1995).
The Legacy of Griggs v. Duke Power Company: A Case Study in the Impact of a Modernist Statutory Precedent, 1994 Utah Law Review 1353.
Political Questions and Representational Politics: A Comment on Shaw v. Reno, 26 Rut. L.J. 711 (1995).
No Rules in a Knife Fight: Chief Justice Rehnquist and the Doctrine of Stare Decisis, 25 Rut. L.J. 669 (1994).
The Federal Government and the Problem of Chinese Rights in the Era of the Fourteenth Amendment, 17 Harv. J. Law and Public Policy 223 (1994).
Abortion, Precedent and the Constitution: A Comment on Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, 68 Notre Dame L. Rev. 11 (1992).
The Civil Rights Act and the Civil Rights Cases: Congress, Court and Constitution, 44 Fla. L. Rev. 605 (1992).
Slavery, Federalism and the Structure of the Constitution, 36 Am. J. L. H. 498 (1992).
Constitutional Protection for the Right to Marry: A Dissenting View, 60 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 949 (1992).
Critical Theory, Neutral Principles, and the Future of Legal Scholarship, 43 U. Fla. L. Rev. 445 (1991).
Rhetoric and Reality in the Theory of Statutory Interpretation: Underenforcement, Overenforcement, and the Problem of Legislative Supremacy, 71 B. U. L. Rev. 767 (1991).
The State, The Family, and the Constitution: A Case Study in Failed Bipolar Analysis, 1991 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 489.
Articles on Race and Racism, Thirteenth Amendment, and Implied Powers, in Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court.
Personal Jurisdiction Law as Constitutional Theory: A Comment on Burnham v. Superior Court of California, 22 Rut. L.J. 689 (1991).
Choice of Forum and Choice of Law in the Federal Courts: A Reconsideration of Erie Principles, 79 Ky. L. Rev. 231 (1991).
Judicial Activism Under State Constitutions: Boon or Bane?, 21 Rut. L.J. 1113 (1990) (with Paul Bender).
The Constitution and Non Racial Discrimination: Alienage, Sex, and the Framers' Ideal of Equality 7 Const. Comm. 251 (1990).
The Prospects for a Revival of Conservative Activism in Constitutional Jurisprudence, 24 Ga. L. Rev. 629 (1990).
Affirmative Action and Employer Autonomy: A Comment on J.A. Croson Co. v. City of Richmond, 68 Ore. L. Rev. 459 (1989).
The Court, the Academy, and the Constitution: A Comment on Bowers v. Hardwick and its Critics, 1989 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 59.
Sovereign Authority, Fairness, and Personal Jurisdiction: The Case for Transient Jurisdiction, 66 Wash. U.L.Q. 671 (1988).
Individual Rights and State Autonomy, 12 Harv. J. of Law & Pub. Pol'y 163 (1989).
Statutory Interpretation and Legislative Power: The Case for a Modified Intentionalist Approach, 63 Tul. L. Rev. 1 (1988).
Fourteenth Amendment Concepts in the Antebellum Era, 32 Am. J. Leg. Hist. 305 (1988).
Visions of Fairness: Constitutional Limitations on Jurisdiction and Choice of Law, 30 Ariz. L. Rev. 751 (1988).
The Supreme Court and the Quality of PoliticalDialogue,5 Const. Comm. 375 (1988).
False Prophet: Justice William Brennan and the Theory of State Constitutional Law, 15 Hast. Const. Law Q. 429 (1988).
Lockstep Analysis and the Concept of Federalism, 496 Ann. of the Am. Acad. of Pol. and Soc. Sci. 98 (1988).
Foreword: The Appeal of Originalism, 1987 Utah L. Rev. 773.
Unraveling the Connundrum of Personal Jurisdiction Law: A Comment on Asahi Metal Industry Co. v. Superior Ct., 1987 Duke L. J. 669.
The Nature of Precedent, 66 N.C. L. Rev. 367 (1988).
Reconstruction Without Revolution: Republican Civil Rights Theory in the Era of the Fourteenth Amendment, 24 Hous. L. Rev. 221 (1986).
The Failure of Attacks on Originalist Theory, 4 Const. Comm. 43 (1987).
Reflections on a Landmark: Shaffer v. Heitner Viewed From a Distance, 1986 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 1043 (1986).
'Separate but Equal' and the Law of Common Carriers in the Era of the Fourteenth Amendment, 17 Rutgers L. J. 553 (1986).
The Concept of Precedent in Choice of Law Theory, 51 Mo. L. Rev. 192 (1986).
The Dark Side of State Court Activism, 63 Texas L. Rev. 995 (1985).
Sex Discrimination in the Supreme Court: A Comment on Sex Equality, Sex Differences and the Supreme Court, 85 Duke L. J. 177 (1985).
The Concept of Equal Protection of the Laws--A Historical Inquiry, 22 San Diego L. Rev. 501 (1984).
The Fourteenth Amendment as Political Compromise-- Section One in the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 45 Ohio St. L. J. 933 (1984).
Some New Thoughts on an Old Problem: The Role of the Intent of the Framers in Constitutional Theory 63 B. U. L. Rev. 8ll (l983).
Title VII and Upper Level Employment--A Response To Professor Bartholet, 77 NW. U. L. Rev. 776 (l983).
The Concept of the Doctrine of the Court in Constitutional Law, l6 Ga. L. Rev. 357 (l982).
'How Much Regulation is Too Much' --An Examination of Commerce Clause Jurisprudence, 50 G. W. L. Rev. 47 (l98l).
Illegitimacy and Equal Protection l980 Ariz. St. L. Rev. 83l.
Some Thoughts on the Death of Stare Decisis in Constitutional Law, l980 Wis. L. Rev. 467.
The Expansion of the Effects Test in Antidiscrimination Law--A Critical Analysis 59 Neb. L. Rev. 345 (l980).
On Keeping Pigs Out of the Parlor: Speech as Public Nuisance After FCC v. Pacifica Foundation (with L. Lynn Hogue) 3l So. Car. L. Rev. 377 (l980)
Portrait of a Man in the Middle-Mr. Justice Powell Equal Protection and the Pure Classification Problem, 40 Ohio St. L. J. 94l (l979).
A Bakke Primer, 32 Okla. L. Rev. ll9 (l979).
The Burger Court, The Commerce Clause and the Problem of Differential Treatment, 54 Ind. L. J. 165 (l979).
The Burger Court, The Regulation of Interstate Commerce, and the Concept of Local Concern, 46 Tenn. L. Rev. 406 (l979).
The Burger Court and Alienage Classifications, 3l Okla. L. Rev. 67l (l978).
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Regulation B, (with Fred H. Miller) 3l Okla. L. Rev. l (l978).
Justice Rehnquist at the Crossroads - Principle, Politics and the Bakke Case, 30 Okla. L. Rev. 922 (l977).
Other Publications:
William H. Rehnquist and George Bush (forthcoming, Supplement to Encyclopedia of the American Constitution).
'Bah, Humbug': A Dyspeptic View of State Constitutionalism (forthcoming, Rutgers Law Journal, Symposium on the 50th anniversary of the New Jersey Constitution).
Toward a Minimalist Vision of the Fourteenth Amendment, 19 Harv. J. of Law and Pub. Policy 451 (1996).
Gender Discrimination and the Original Understanding, 18 Harv. J. of Law and Pub. Policy 415 (1995).
James Gardner and the Idea of State Constitutionalism, 24 Rut. L.J. 1019 (1993).
Legislative Inputs and Gender-Based Discrimination in the Burger Court, 90 Mich. L. Rev. 1023 (1992).
Introduction to State Constitutional Law Symposium, (with Robert F. Williams), 20 Rut. L.J. 877 (1989).
Selected Bibliography on State Constitutional Law (with Williams and Aranet) 20 Rut. L.J. 877 (1989).
Review of M. Tushnet, Red, White and Blue: A Critical Analysis of Constitutional Law, 6 Const. Comm. 463 (1989).
Unenumerated Rights and Originalist Methodology: A Comment on the Ninth Amendment Symposium, 64 Chi-Kent L. Rev. 981 (1989).
Legislative Inaction and the Patterson Case, 87 Mich. L. Rev. 858 (1989).
Review of M. Hancock, Studies in Modern Choice of Law: Torts, Insurance, Land Contracts, 37 J. of Legal Educ. 148 (1987).
Review of R. Kaczorowski, The Politics of Judicial Interpretation: The Federal Courts, Department of Justice and Civil Rights, 1866-1876, 5 Law and Hist. Rev. 296 (1987).
Trust Betrayed, 97 Harv. L. Rev. l0l6 (l984).
Murder in the Cathedral--The Supreme Court as Moral Prophet, 8 Dayton L. Rev. 623 (l983).
Federalism & the Fourteenth Amendment: A Comment on Democracy and Distrust, 42 Ohio St. L. J. 209 (l98l).
Judicial Competence and Fundamental Rights-- A Reply to Professor Lupu, 78 Mich. L. Rev. 284 (l979).
State Action and Statutory Liens in Arkansas: A Reply to Professor Nickles, 2 UALR L.J. 357 (l979).
The Supreme Court, l973 Term, 88 Harv. L. Rev. 4l, ll2-ll9 (l974).