John Joergensen
Reference Librarian, and Director of the Law Library Emeritus
John P. Joergensen is a Professor of Law Emeritus and an award-winning former Director of the Law Library that serves both Rutgers Law locations. He joined Rutgers Law in 1996 and organized the Courtweb Project, which provides free Internet access to the full text of the decisions of many of the state’s courts.

John P. Joergensen received a B.A. and M.A in philosophy from Fordham University, an M.S. in library information science from Drexel University, and a J.D. from Temple University Law School where he was symposium editor of the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review.
Professor Joergensen taught courses in philosophy and ethics as an adjunct instructor at Fordham University. After receiving his J.D. he joined a Philadelphia law firm where he focused his practice on state and federal appellate criminal cases and litigated before the Pennsylvania Supreme and Superior Courts and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. In 1996 Professor Joergensen became a librarian at Rutgers School of Law–Camden where he oversaw the reference, digital services and circulation areas and taught Advanced Legal Research.
During his tenure at Rutgers–Camden, Professor Joergensen organized the New Jersey Courtweb Project, which provides free Internet access to the full text of the decisions of the New Jersey Supreme Court and appellate courts, Tax Court, administrative law decisions, U.S. District Court of the District of New Jersey decisions, and the New Jersey Supreme Court’s Ethics Committee opinions. His work also included digitizing U.S. congressional documents, the deliberations of state Constitutional Conventions, and other historical records. In 2007 he received the Public Access to Government Information Award from the American Association of Law Libraries and in 2011 was named to the Fastcase 50 as one of the country’s “most interesting and provocative leaders in the combined fields of law, scholarship and technology.”
"Authentication of Digital Repositories" Blog post at Cornell VoxPopuLII, May, 2009.
"The New Jersey Courts Publishing Project of the Rutgers-Camden Law Library," 41 Law Library Journal 673 (2002).
"Second Tier Law Reviews, Lexis, and Westlaw: A Pattern of Increasing Use," 21 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 43(2002).
"Are Non-Profit Internet Publishers the Future of Legal Information?", 19 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 33. (reprinted in The Political Economy of Legal Information: The New Landscape, Samuel Trosow, ed. Haworth Press, 1999.
Other Articles:
"A Defense of Publishing Legal Material on the Internet," Law Library Resource Xchange, (Jan. 15, 1999).
Conferences and Presentations:
"Production issues in Digital Libraries" 2005 CALI (Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction) conference, Chicago, Ill., June 2005 (co-presented with Eric Gilson).
"Cats and Dogs Living Together (make that Librarians and IT)" 2005 CALI (Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction) conference, Chicago, Ill., June 2005 (co-presented with Thomas Ryan(Rutgers – Camden), Kenneth Hirsch (Duke), Philip Bohl (Pepperdine), and Katherine Kerr (Pepperdine).
"Document Delivery Formats for the Web and Legal Digital Collections" 2004 CALI (Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction) conference, University of Washington School of Law, June 2004. Presented with Kevin Reiss, Digital Collections Librarian, Rutgers – Newark Law School.
"Privacy and Your Law School Website" 2003 CALI (Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction) conference, Duke University School of Law, Durham, NC, June 2003.
"Internet Publishing For Law Schools," 2002 ABA Associate Deans� Conference, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, June 14, 2002.
"Publishing Court Decisions on the Internet: Still Worth Doing?" 2002 CALI (Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction) conference, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago, Ill., June, 2002.
"When Referential Integrity Goes Bad: A Prequel to SQL" Presented at the 2001 CALI conference, Suffolk University School of Law, Boston MA, June, 2001.
"Digital Libraries and Archives: Strategies for Success" Presented at the 2000 CALI conference, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago, Ill. June, 2000.
"Effective Strategies for Electronic Publishing" Presented at the 1998 CALI conference, Chicago-Kent College of Law, May, 1998.
Presenter, N.J.I.C.L.E. seminar: "A Lawyer�s Guide for Forensic Investigations" Presented on Nov. 8, 11, 15, 1997.