Jootaek Lee
Associate Professor/Foreign, and Comparative and International Law Librarian
Jootaek Lee is an associate professor and librarian at Rutgers Law School (Newark). Professor Lee is also an adjunct professor and an affiliated faculty for the Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy (PHRGE) at the Northeastern University School of Law, where he has served as Senior Law Librarian (Research Librarian for Foreign, Comparative & International Law) for seven and half years. He also worked before as a librarian assistant professor at the University of Miami School of Law. He is also a Massachusetts attorney.

Professor Lee, a prolific author and scholar, has been published in prestigious journals, including Georgetown Environmental Law Review, Northwestern Journal of Human Rights, Emory International Law Review, Law Library Journal, International Journal of Legal Information, Legal Reference Services Quarterly, Korea University Law Review, and Globalex by New York University Law School. His research focuses on artificial intelligence and human rights, human rights to land, water, and education, Asian practice of international law, legal informatics, Korean law and legal education, and pedagogy in law. Professor Lee has made numerous presentations at national and international conferences. He is also active with the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) and the American Society of International Law (ASIL), having served on AALL’s Diversity Committee, CONELL Committee, and Awards Committee. He is the former Co-Chair of the International Legal Research Interest Group of the ASIL (2012-2015) and the former president of the Asian American Law Librarians Caucus of AALL (2013-2014).
A native of Korea, Professor Lee graduated magna cum laude from Korea University, where he also received an M.A. in international law. He completed his J.D. at Florida State University, where he was also awarded an M.L.S. He is currently teaching advanced legal research, introduction to American law, international business transactions, and foreign and international legal research, coaching the Phillip C. Jessup International Moot Court team, and advising the International and Human Rights Journal at Rutgers Law School.
Book Chapters:
- Jootaek Lee, Update: South Korea, in Foreign Law Guide (Marci Hoffman ed., 2023).
- Jootaek Lee, Korean Animal Protection Law, in Global Animal Law Research: Strategies and Resources (2021) (Carolina Academic Press)
- Jootaek Lee, International Criminal Law, in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in ASIA: Korea (2021) (ebook by Brill).
- Jootaek Lee, Update: South Korea, in Foreign Law Guide (Brill: Marci Hoffman ed., 2019).
- Jootaek Lee, Legal Collections in Massachusetts, in Handbook of Legal Research in Massachusetts (MCLE) (2017).
- Jootaek Lee, South Korea, in Foreign Law Guide (Brill: Marci Hoffman ed., 2016).
- Jootaek Lee, Online Resources, in Mexican Law and Legal Research 59 - 64 (Jonathan Pratter and Julienne E. Grant eds., 2014),
- Jootaek Lee, Republic of Korea, in Sources of State Practice in International Law 360 - 69 (Brill: Alison Shea ed., 2014).
- Jootaek Lee, Transplanting Korean Legal Materials into American Law Libraries, in The Global Implications of Korean law, KLP Working Paper Series 89 - 108 (Korea Legislation Research Institute ed., 2014),
- Jootaek Lee, Gatekeepers of Legal Information: Evaluating and Integrating Free Internet Legal Resources into the Classroom, in Access to Legal Information & Research in Digital Age 165-91 (National Law University Delhi Press: New Delhi, India, 2012).
- Jootaek Lee, The Human Right to Development: Definition, Research and Annotated Bibliography, 51:1 International Journal of Legal Information 2 ( 2023).
- Jootaek Lee, Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: Four Realms of Discussion, Research, and Annotated Bibliography, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (Aug. 29, 2022),
- Jootaek Lee, The Human Right to Education Research with an Annotated Bibliography, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (Jan. 25, 2021).
- Jootaek Lee, Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: Four Realms of Discussion, Research, and Annotated Bibliography, Rutgers International and Human Rights Journal (2021).
- Jootaek Lee, True Value and Justification of Law Libraries: Application of U.S. Law Library Value to Law Libraries in Korea, International Journal of Legal Information, 48:2 International Journal of Legal Information 72 (2020).
- Jootaek Lee, Paradox of Hierarchy and Conflicts of Values: International Law, Human Rights, and Global Governance, 18 Northwestern University Journal of Human Rights 75 (2020).
- Jootaek Lee, Human Right to Education: Definition, Research and Annotated Bibliography, 34 Emory International Law Review 757 (2020).
- Jootaek Lee, Establishment of a Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula: Definition, Process, and Cooperation, 13 ICL Journal – Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law 307 (2020) (SSCI & SCOPUS Indexed).
- Jootaek Lee, International Criminal Law: Unresolved Issues from the Past in the Korean Peninsula, 28 Journal of Transnational Law & Policy 77 (2020).
- Jootaek Lee, Researching the Human Right to Water with an Annotated Bibliography, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (Jan. 15, 2019),
- Jootaek Lee, UPDATE: Research and Bibliography for Korean Law Resources in English, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (Dec. 5, 2018),
- Jootaek Lee, UPDATE: A Guide to Fee-Based U. S. Legal Research Databases, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (Aug. 15, 2018), - Jootaek Lee, UPDATE: Contemporary Land Grabbing, Research, and Bibliography, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (June 1, 2018),
- Jootaek Lee & Maraya Best, Attempting to Define the Human Right to Water with an Annotated Bibliography & Recommendations for Practitioners, 30 Georgetown Env’l L. Rev. 75 (2017).
- Jootaek Lee, The Crisis and Future of Korean Legal Education: Compared with the American Legal Education System, 21 Korea Univ. L. Rev. 41 (2017).
- Jootaek Lee et al., Guide to Cuban Law and Legal Research, 45:2 Int’l J. of Legal Info. 76 (2017).
- Jootaek Lee & Maraya Best, The Human Right to Water: A Research Guide & Annotated Bibliography (Mar. 1, 2017),
- Jootaek Lee, UPDATE: A Guide to Fee-Based U. S. Legal Research Databases, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (Apr. 27, 2016), - Jootaek Lee et al., Research Guide to Mexican Law, 35:1 Legal Reference Serv. Q. 18 (2016) (The Reynolds & Flores Publication Award, awarded by the AALL FCIL-SIS (July, 2017), (SCOPUS Indexed)
- Jootaek Lee, Contemporary Land Grabbing, Research, and Bibliography, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (Jan. 26, 2016),
- Jootaek Lee, UPDATE: A Research Guide and a Bibliography for Korean Legal Resources in English (Jan. 26, 2016),
- Jootaek Lee, Frontiers of Legal Information: U.S. Law Librarians of the Future, 43.2/43.3 Int’l J. of Legal Info. 411 (2015).
- Jootaek Lee, Contemporary Land Grabbing: Research Sources and Bibliography, 107 L. Libr. J.259 (2015) (2015 Best of Land Use Scholarship, Par V: Most SSRN Downloads (Dec. 31, 2015), (SSCI & SCOPUS Indexed).
- Jootaek Lee, Best Copyright Practice in Interlibrary Loan (Dec. 19, 2013).
- Jootaek Lee et al., Issues and Trends of Collection Development of East Asian Law in the United States, 105 L. Libr. J. 321 (2013) (SSCI & SCOPUS Indexed).
- Jootaek Lee, UPDATE: A Research Guide and a Bibliography for Korean Legal Resources in English, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (Dec. 4, 2012),
- Jootaek Lee, UPDATE: A Guide to Fee-Based U. S. Legal Research Databases, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (Aug. 2, 2012), - Jootaek Lee, Gatekeepers of Legal Information: Evaluating and Integrating Free Internet Legal Resources into the Classroom, 17 Barry L. Rev. 221 (Spring 2012), reprinted in Access to Legal Information & Research in Digital Age 165-91 (National Law University Delhi Press: New Delhi, India, 2012).
- Jootaek Lee, Legal Informatics: Metamorphosing Law Students into Legal Professionals Based on Empirical Evidence of Attorneys’ Information Seeking Behaviors, 39.1 Int’l J. of Legal Info. 1 (Spring 2011).
- Jootaek Lee, A Research Guide and a Bibliography for Korean Legal Resources in English, GlobaLex by NYU’s Hauser Global Law School Program (May 14, 2010),
- Jootaek Lee, Introducing and Integrating Free Internet Legal Research into Classroom (June 10, 2009).
Other Publications
The Boulder Statement on Legal Research Education (co-contributor) (2010 & 2011).