Memorable Moments from Rutgers Law Newark’s 2024 Alumni Reunion

More than 200 alumni from the classes of 1974, 1979, 1984, 1994, 2004, and 2014 returned to Rutgers Law School Newark for the all-day annual reunion last week. Many attendees arrived at lunch where they heard from a panel of current law students and recent alumni who spoke about their law school experiences. The afternoon continued with a CLE class, “Promoting Fairness and Equity in a Post-Affirmative Action World,” taught by Professor Rachel D. Godsil and a tour of downtown Newark led by Robert Steinbaum, Associate Dean of Development at the law school.
The highlight for many was the evening dinner and class photos at Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hall. For many of our alumni, RBG Hall was their former law school building, making the evening even more meaningful.
Here’s what some of our returning alumni said about the event:
“It was a huge success for those who were able to be there. Everyone who attended had a wonderful time.” – Naomi Eichen, Class of 1974

the class of 1979 for their 45th year reunion.
“I was not quite sure what to expect at the Reunion of my 1979 class but all in all I had a delightful opportunity to reconnect with classmates and get acquainted with those that I did not know as well. We all seemed to have made our way in the legal profession with our work which were varied and diverse. There was a great deal of sharing memories and updates on families (especially grandchildren). The CLE on implicit bias was an excellent choice and the presenter effective in inviting comment. Overall, the reunion was well-organized with enough time and space for classmates to connect again and make new connections with members of other classes as well.” – Okianer C. Dark, Class of 1979
“It was really lovely and people enjoyed themselves and this was some of the better-catered food I have seen at any type of professional function!” – Ellen Relkin, Class of 1984
“It's hard to believe that 20 years have passed since graduating from Rutgers Law School. Reconnecting with my friends and classmates from the Class of 2004 was truly a blessing. It feels surreal to think about how much the world has changed since we first walked those halls, ready to start our careers.” – Abayomi Ajaiyeoba, Class of 2004
To view a photo album of the event, please click here or visit