Pamela Mertsock-Wolfe
Director of the Pro Bono and Public Interest Program

Mertsock-Wolfe manages the law school’s pro bono projects, advises students on pro bono eligibility and participation, advises the public interest student group (Association for Public Interest Law – APIL) on its annual auction, summer stipend program, and the Roger C. Clark 5K Run for Justice, and organizes the law school’s Orientation service project. In her capacity as Director, Mertsock-Wolfe collaborates with South Jersey Legal Services, community organizations, the judiciary, the bankruptcy bar, and the greater campus community. In addition, she advises law students on grammar and usage in their writing and makes presentations to Legal Analysis, Writing and Research (LAWR) classes.
In 2013, Mertsock-Wolfe received the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Service.
Chair, Law School Outreach Committee, Philadelphia Bar Association - Public Interest Section
Chancellor’s Civic Engagement Awards Selection Committee, Rutgers University - Camden
Awards Committee - Rutgers Law School
Mertsock-Wolfe earned her B.A. from New York University in 1988 and her M.A. from Rutgers-Camden in 1992.