Perry Dane
Professor of Law
Perry Dane has a body of scholarship that includes conflict of laws, religion and law, Constitutional Law, legal pluralism, nonprofits law, Jewish Law, and legal theory. He clerked for Judge David Bazelon of the U.S. Court of Appeals and Justice William Brennan of the U.S. Supreme Court and served for nine years on the Yale Law School faculty.

Professor Dane received his B.A. summa cum laude from Yale College and his J.D. from Yale Law School, where he was Note Editor of the law journal and received the Israel H. here Peres Prize awarded by the faculty for the best student contribution to the Yale Law Journal. After law school, he clerked for Judge David Bazelon of the U.S. Court of Appeals and Justice William Brennan of the U.S. Supreme Court and then served for nine years on the Yale Law School faculty.
Professor Dane has written landmark articles on choice of law, religion and law, the jurisprudence of Jewish law, legal pluralism, and jurisdiction. He teaches courses in Conflicts of Law, Constitutional Law, American Indian Law, Jurisdiction, Law and Religion, Nonprofit Organizations, Education Law, the Canadian Legal System, and "The Debate on Same-Sex Marriage," and seminars on "Legalism" and "Religion and the State in Cross-National Perspective."
In January 1997, Professor Dane was a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, teaching an intensive course on Religion and the Law. In January 2008, he taught a course on Religion and the State in Cross-National Perspective as a visiting professor at the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law.
During the 2000-01 academic year, Professor Dane was a faculty fellow at the Rutgers Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture during their program on “Secularism.” During the 2010-11 academic year, Professor Dane was a full-time resident fellow at the Tikvah Center for Law & Jewish Civilization at the New York University Law School. He is presently a Faculty Affiliate of the Rutgers Institute for Law and Philosophy. He has also been a member of the national seminar of the Project on Religious Institutions at Yale University’s Program on Non-Profit Organizations, a guest of the Shalom Hartman Institute In Israel, and a participant in a variety of scholarly conferences around the nation and the world. He is a member of the Advisory Board of Directors of the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations at Saint Joseph’s University.
Professor Dane ocassionally posts on several group blogs.
In 2011, Professor Dane received the law school's inaugural Dean's Award for Scholarly Excellence. His service to the larger Rugers community includes a term as Chair of the Faculty Council representing all the units at Rutgers University-Camden.
For Professor Dane's CV, click here.
For profile and materials on, click here.
For selected downloads, click here.
“In a Time of Crisis”: Reflections on the Fortieth Anniversary of the Journal of Law and Religion, Journal of Law and Religion (2024) (in preparation).
“Luminous and Obscure”: Into the Depths of Constitutional Meaning. Canopy Forum, August 11, 2023. available here.
The Nagging in our Ears and Original Public Meaning, Marquette Law Review (2023) (forthcoming), available here.
Party Autonomy and the Challenge of Choice of Law, in Philosophical Foundations of Conflict of Laws (Oxford University Press, Roxana Banu, Michael Green, Ralf Michaels, eds., 2022) (forthcoming), available here.
Faith Seeking Understanding: Trends in Freedom of Religion in the United States, in La liberté de religion en question(s) (Anne Fornerod, ed., Larcier, 2022), book available here.
Jury Nullification: Features, Bugs, and the Possibility of Granular Law, 17 Law, Culture, and the Humanities 414-434 (2021) (solicited essay for special section on jury nullification, edited by Austin Sarat), available here and here.
"My Name is Great Among the Nations," Reflections on Fracture, Separation, and Repair, 36 Journal of Law and Religion 393-404 (2021) (essay on David VanDrunen, Politics after Christendom: Political Theology in a Fractured World (2020)), link to free version available here.
When Secular Laws and Religious Convictions Collide, Marginalia, March 12, 2021, available here
COVID-19 and Religious Liberty, Canopy Forum, August 2020, available here.
Law Clerks: A Jurisprudential Lens, 88 George Washington University Law Review Arguendo 54(2020) (Clerks at 100 Symposium), available here and here
Corporations, in Routledge Companion to Economic Theology (Stefan Schwarzkopf, ed., 2020), available here. (Book available here).
Ironies in the City: Reflections on Stephen Smith's Pagans and Christians in the City, 57 Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 3 (2019), available here and here.
Encounters on shifting ground, The Immanent Frame, March 13, 2019,
Establishment and Encounter, in Research Handbook on Law and Religion 125-153 (Edward Elgar Publishing, Rex Ahdar, ed., 2018), available here.
Scopes of Religious Exemption: A Normative Map, in Religious Exemptions 138-164 (Oxford University Press, Michael Weber & Kevin Vallier, eds., 2018) (Papers from the 2015 Bowling Green Workshop in Applied Ethics and Public Policy on “The Scope of Religious Exemptions”), available here.
Master Metaphors and Double Coding, 53 San Diego Law Review 53 (2016) (Symposium Issue on Law and Religion), available here and here.
Foreword: On Religious Constitutionalism,16 Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion 460 (2015), available here.
Judaism, Pluralism, and Constitutional Glare, Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion, 16 Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion 282 (2015) (Symposium Issue on “People of the Book: Judaism's Influence on American Legal Scholarship”), available here.
Prayer is Serious Business: Reflections on Town of Greece, 15 Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion 611 (2014), available here and here.
Saving Rutgers-Camden (with Allan Stein and Robert F. Williams), 44 Rutgers Law Journal 337 (2014), available here.
Nature, Equality, and Same-Sex Marriage, 62 Buffalo Law Review 291 (2014), available here.
The Natural Law Challenge to Choice of Law, in Ethics in International Law (Donald E. Childress, ed., a volume in ASIL Studies in International Legal Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2011), available here.
Review of Abduallahi Ahmed An-Na?im, Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Shari?a (Harvard University Press, 2008), in Ancient Traditions: New Conversations, the Blog of the Center for Jewish Law and Contemporary Civilization at Cardozo Law School, available here.
Conflict of Laws in A Companion to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory (Second Edition) (Dennis Patterson, ed., a volume in the Blackwell Companions to Philosophy Series, Blackwell Publishers, 2009), available here.
Constitutional Law and Religion in A Companion to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory (Second Edition) (Dennis Patterson, ed., a volume in the Blackwell Companions to Philosophy Series, Blackwell Publishers, 2009), available here.
Take These Words: The Abiding Lure of the Hebrew Bible In-Itself, 4 Hebraic Political Studies 230-265 (2009) (Symposium Issue on “The Hebrew Bible in Contemporary Intellectual Discourse”), available here.
A Holy Secular Institution, 58 Emory Law Journal 1123 (2009), available here.
Joseph Henry Beale, Jr., in The Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law 31 (Roger K. Newman, ed., Yale University Press 2009), available here.
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States 217 (David S. Tanenhaus, ed., Gale 2008), available here.
Flags in Context: A Discussion of Design, Genre, and Aesthetics, 15 Raven: A Journal of Vexillology 43 (2008), available here.
Sad Time: Thoughts on Jurisdictionality, the Legal Imagination, and Bowles v. Russell, 102 Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy 164 (2008) here and here.
Separation Anxiety, 22 Journal of Law and Religion 545 (2007) (review essay on Noah Feldman, Divided by God: America’s Church-State Problem), available here.
Exemptions for Religion Contained in Regulatory Statutes, in 1 The Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties 559 (Paul Finkelman, ed., Routledge 2006), available here.
Hernandez v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue 490 U.S. 680 (1989), in 2 The Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties 761 (Paul Finkelman, ed., Routledge 2006), available here.
Zablocki v. Redhail, 434 U.S. 374 (1978), in 3 The Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties 1811 (Paul Finkelman, ed., Routledge 2006), available here.
A Fountain of Renewal, in The Common Man as Uncommon Man: Remembering Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. 71 (E. Joshua Rosenkranz and Thomas M. Jorde, eds., William J. Brennan Center for Justice 2006)
“Omalous” Autonomy, 2004 Brigham Young University Law Review 1715 (Symposium Issue on “Church Autonomy”), available here.
Magic and Ritual on Yom Kippur, 8 Kerem: Creative Explorations in Judaism 116 (2002)
Book Review, 17 Journal of Law and Religion 207 (2002) (reviewing Abraham Hirsch Rabinowitz, The Study of Talmud: Understanding the Halakhic Mind).
The Varieties of Religious Autonomy, in Church Autonomy: A Comparative Survey 117 (Gerhard Robbers, ed., Peter Lang Publishers 2001) (Collected Papers of the Second European/American Conference on Religious Freedom: Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty, held in 1999 at the University of Trier).
The Intersecting Worlds of Religious and Secular Marriage, in Law and Religion: Current Legal Issues, Vol. 4, at 385 (Richard O’Dair & Andrew Lewis, eds., Oxford University Press 2001) (Collected Papers of the Fourth Current Legal Issues Colloquium, held in 2000 at the Faculty of Laws, University College, London).
Bugliosi’s Chaotic Book Evaluates Flaws in Bush v. Gore, The Legal Intelligencer, June 22, 2001, at 7 (reviewing Vincent Bugliosi, The Betrayal of America: How the Supreme Court Undermined the Constitution and Chose Our President).
Pluralities of Justice, Modalities of Peace: The Role of Law(s) in a Palestinian-Israeli Accommodation, 32 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 273 (2000), availablehere.
Whereof One Cannot Speak: Legal Diversity and the Limits of a Restatement of Conflict of Laws, 75 Indiana Law Journal 511 (1999) (Symposium Issue on a Third Restatement of Conflict of Laws).
Spirited Debate: A Comment on Edward Foley’s Jurisprudence and Theology, 66 Fordham Law Review 1213 (1998) (Symposium Issue on “The Relevance of Religion to a Lawyer’s Work: An Interfaith Conference”)
Remarks, Memorial Proceedings before the New Jersey Supreme Court for the Honorable William J. Brennan, Jr. (Nov. 18, 1997), in 158 New Jersey Reports., at pp. xxvii, xxxix-xliii (1999)
The Corporation Sole and the Encounter of Law and Church, in Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion and Religious Aspects of Organizations 50 (Nicholas Jay Demerath III, Peter Dobkin Hall, Terry Schmitt, & Rhys H. Williams., eds., under the auspices of the Project on Religious Institutions, Program on Non-Profit Organizations, Institution for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University, Oxford University Press 1998)
Sovereign Dignity and Glorious Chaos: A Comment on the Interjurisdictional Implications of the Entire Controversy Doctrine, 28 Rutgers Law Journal 173 (1996) (Symposium Issue on the “Entire Controversy Doctrine”)
The Public, the Private, and The Sacred: Variations on a Theme of Nomos and Narrative, 8 Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 15 (1996) (Commemorative Volume on the Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Robert M. Cover)
Conflict of Laws in A Companion to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory 209 (Dennis Patterson, ed., a volume in the Blackwell Companions to Philosophy Series, Blackwell Publishers, 1996).
Constitutional Law and Religion in A Companion to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory 113 (Dennis Patterson, ed., a volume in the Blackwell Companions to Philosophy Series, Blackwell Publishers, 1996).
Jurisdictionality, Time, and the Legal Imagination, 23 Hofstra Law Review 1 (1994).
The Yoke of Heaven, The Question of Sinai, and the Life of Law, 44 University of Toronto Law Journal 353 (1994), available here.
Correspondence, Reconstruction, Vol. 1, issue 4, at 3 (1992) (invited comments on Ian Haney-López, Community Ties, Race, and Faculty Hiring: The Case for Professors Who Don’t Think White, Reconstruction, Vol. 1, issue 3, at 46 (1991)).
The Oral Law and the Jurisprudence of a Textless Text, S’vara: A Journal of Philosophy, Law, and Judaism, Vol. 2, No. 2, Winter 1991, at 11, available here.
Maps of Sovereignty: A Meditation, 12 Cardozo Law Review 959 (1991).
Vested Rights, “Vestedness,” and Choice of Law, 96 Yale Law Journal 1191 (1987).
reprinted in part in A Conflict-of-Laws Anthology 292 (Gene R. Shreve, ed., Anderson Publishing Co., 1997)
D’var Torah on Parsha Nitzavim (Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20), 1 Orim: A Jewish Journal at Yale 124 (Spring 1985).
Note, Religious Exemptions Under the Free Exercise Clause: A Model of Competing Authorities, 90 Yale Law Journal 350 (1980).
The “Prime Derivative,” 7 Journal of Recreational Mathematics 111 (1974).
Unpublished Essays and Talks Available Online:
“The Anomalous Free Speech Clause” (2022), available here.
“Robert Cover and Legal Pluralism – Redux” (2021), available here
“Robert Cover and Legal Pluralism,” available here.
“Doctrine and Deep Structure in the Contraception Mandate Debate,” available here.
“Christmas,” available here.
Divrei Torah (Sermons) Available Online:
“‘How Great Was the Justice of the Father’: A D’var Torah for the Second Day 0f Rosh Hashana” (2022), available here.
“New Orleans and Jerusalem: Sacred Energy, Sacred Space, and the Scattering of the Sparks. A D’var Torah on Parshat Re’eh” (2005, rev. 2021), available here.
“‘Lest the Wild Beasts Grow Too Numerous’: A D’var Torah on Parshat Eikev” (2021), available here.
“‘Hanging by A Thread’: A D’var Torah on Parshat Lech Lecha” (1998, rev. 2019), available here.
“‘Avinu, Malkeinu, Kin(g) of All the Earth’: A Yom Kippur D’var Torah” (2002, revised 2019), available here.
“Echad: A D’var Torah on Parshat Vaetchanan” (2019), available here.
“Names and Numbers: A D’var Torah on Parshat Bamidbar” (2018, revised 2019), available here.
“‘A Thousand and One Reasons to Hope’: A D’var Torah on Parshat Emor” (2019), available here.
“I Am Your God: A D’var Torah on Parshat Yitro” (2019), available here.
“The Magic of Mercy: A Yom Kippur D’Var Torah,” available here.
“The Son You Love: A D'var Torah on Parshat Vayera,” available here.
“Playacting: A D’var Torah on Parshat Hukkat,” available here.
"Call and Response: A D'var Torah on Parshat Vayechi," available here.
“My Name is Great Among the Nations: A D’Var Torah on Parshat Toldot,” available here.
“The Hearts of the Parents to Their Children; the Hearts of the Children to Their Parents: D’Var Torah for Shabbat Hagadol,” available here.
“My Signs That I Have Done among Them: A D'Var Torah on Parshat Bo,” available here.
“The Spark of Intimate Resemblance: A Shabbat HaGadol D’Var Torah on Parshat Tzav,” available here.
Selected other invited contributions to group blogs:
Selected other invited contributions to Group Blogs:
Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University
Masterpiece Cakeshop and the Costs of Weaponization (July 2, 2018),
The Battlefields of Hobby Lobby, (June 30, 2016)
Law and Religion Forum, St. John’s Law School Center for Law and Religion
author archive at
Subway Ads and Mental Maps (December 22, 2014),
The Polygamy (aka “Religious Cohabitation”) Decision (December 16, 2013),
“Prayer is Serious Business” (December 2, 2013),
The Parsonage Exemption and Constitutional Glare (November 27, 2013),
Prophets in the Public Square — Part III (October 28, 2013),
Prophets in the Public Square — Part II (October 27, 2013),
Prophets in the Public Square — Part I (October 27, 2013),
Religious Division and Identity – Richard III and the Rest of Us – Part IV (October 17, 2013),
Religious Division and Identity – Richard III and the Rest of Us – Part III (October 7, 2013),
Religious Division and Identity – Richard III and the Rest of Us – Part II (October 4, 2013),
Religious Division and Identity – Richard III and the Rest of Us – Part I (August 14, 2013),
Religious Left Law:
author archive at
Christmas, again (December 25, 2017),
The Immigration Executive Order and the Structural Establishment Clause (February 7, 2017),
Reasonable and Unreasonable Postmodernisms (January 25, 2017),
‘The Holidays’ (January 9, 2017),
The Bathroom Wars (May 23, 2016),
‘Decent and honorable religious or philosophical premises’ (June 26, 2015),
Justice Kennedy on Same-Sex Marriage (June 26, 2015),
More on an Rewinding the Tape (June 3, 2014),
Justice Thomas, Town of Greece, and Rewinding the Tape (June 2, 2014),
Town of Greece (May 18, 2014),
The Parsonage Exemption and Constitutional Glare (November 28, 2013),
‘vicious verbal assault’ (March 2, 2011),
Activity, Inactivity, and Libertarianism (February 2, 2011),
Activity, Inactivity, and Constitutional Limits (February 2, 2011),
Civility (February 1, 2011),
The Commerce Clause, Libertarianism, and the Good Life (December 14, 2010),
That holiday in December that falls a week before New Year's Day (December 2, 2010),
Secular winds (November 28, 2010),
Left (November 18, 2010),
Newspaper and Online Columns:
The Christian tone of Bruce Springsteen’s Super Bowl ad was meaningful, not exclusionary, The Forward, February 17, 2021, available here.
Amanda Gorman’s inauguration poem was a beautiful and mighty — no matter what your religion may be, The Forward, January 25, 2021, available here.
Can Supreme Court Take a Lesson from Jewish Law on Scalia Replacement?, The Forward, February 22, 2016, available here.
Natural, Civil, and Religious: Bridging the Divide over Same-Sex Marriage, Rutgers-Camden News Now, March 2013, available here.
The Chief Justice and the Individual Mandate, WHYY NewsWorks, June 29, 2012, availablehere.
Living With the Tension, The Jewish Daily Forward, March 23, 2012, p. 9, available here.
Stevens retirement a "poignant moment" for Rutgers–Camden law professor, Rutgers-Camden Faculty Experts Blog, available here.
Some Class Day Thoughts on Law, Religion, Rutgers, and the RJLR, Alumni Newsletter of the Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion. Fall 2009, p. 6, available here.
Walls: Meditations from Israel, The Philadelphia Jewish Voice, # 21, March 2007, availablehere.
O’Connor’s opinions are her legacy: Justice pushes rest of Supreme Court toward her view of social solidarity, Philadelphia Inquirer, July 16, 2003, A17.
Where do we go from here? Postelection thoughts, Rutgers Focus, January 19, 2001, at 4 (one of six short comments by Rutgers faculty), available here.
Bush vs. Gore: What Matters Most: Bush spurring fear on courts and economy, Philadelphia Inquirer, October 29, 2000, at E7 (one of two capstone columns in series on presidential race).
An awkwardly timed State of the Union: Combining pageantry and politics, Philadelphia Inquirer, January 20, 1999, at A19.
In the Senate, compromise is just a few good words away, Philadelphia Inquirer, January 3, 1999, at E7 (discussing proceedings against President Clinton).
Presidents, prosecutors, and the rule of law: Clinton and Starr have both abused honorable precepts, Philadelphia Inquirer, September 21, 1998, at A13.
A judge who was honest with the law and himself, Philadelphia Inquirer, August 3, 1997, at E7 (remembrance of Justice William J. Brennan, Jr.).
The latest attempt to betray Native Americans, Hartford Courant, May 29, 1991, at D13.
Newspaper and Magazine Letters:
Contemplating the End, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times Book Review, September 20, 2020, at BR5, available here.
The “defeated and overturned crown,” Vexillum 11, at 13 (Fall 2020).
Warren is not a mere pretender to Indian ancestry, The Washington Post, October 22, 2018, at , available here.
No, DC’s Museum Of The Bible Doesn’t Violate Separation Of Church And State, The Forward (online edition), January 2, 2018, available here.
State Senator’s Op-Ed Off the Mark, Letter to the Editor, Jewish Exponent, February 2, 2017, at 19, available here.
On Hart Island, Missed Friends and Common Graves, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, June 6, 2016, at A20, available here.
Deli and Synagogue, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times Book Review, November 1, 2015, at BR6, available here.
Civil and Religious Marriage, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, January 14, 2015, available here,
Competing Ethics, Letter to the Editor, The New Yorker, June 23, 2014, at 6, available here.
Judaism and DNA, Letter to the Editor, Science Section, The New York Times, June 11, 2013, at D3, available here.
Rutgers Compact, Letter to the Editor, The Star-Ledger, July 12, 2012, available here.
Destructive Merger Unnecessary, Letter to the Editor, Philadelphia Inquirer, March 18, 2012, at C5, available here.
The Atheist Who Challenged Cranston, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, February 1, 2012, at A26 , available here.
Rush Is Just Getting Warmed Up, The New York Times Magazine, July 20, 2008, at 8 available here.
Architects and Ethics: One Dilemma Too Many, Letter, Arts & Leisure Section, The New York Times, June 29, 2008, at 2, available here.
Are You There, God?, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times Book Review, May 27, 2007, at 5 (commenting on Michael Kinsley’s review of Christopher Hitchens, God Is Not Great (2007)), available here.
Science and the Bible, Letter to the Editor, Academe, May-June 2007 (discussing teaching science to Biblical “literalists”), available here.
Church and State: Tipping a Delicate Balance?, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, October 15, 2006, §4, p. 11.
Enshrining the Names of 9/11, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, July 7, 2006, §A, p. 16.
Jews and the Covenant, Correspondence, First Things, February 2006, at 5 (responding to Cardinal Avery Dulles’s article on “The Covenant with Israel.”), available here.
Undue Burden, Correspondence, The New Republic, December 19, 2005, at 4.
Sorting Out the Shoots, Correspondence, The Weekly Standard, Vol. 11, Issue 3, October 3, 2005, at 5.
“Magdalene Sisters”: Fires of Hell, Letter, Arts & Leisure Section, The New York Times, August 17, 2003, § 2, p. 2.
Meaningless Label, Letter to the Editor, Philadelphia Inquirer, August 17, 2003, §C, p. 4.
To Right the Wrongs of Slavery, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, May 31, 2000, at § A, p. 26 (discussing reparations for African-Americans).
School Prayer Can Both Exclude and Coerce; No Amendment Needed, Letter to the Editor, The New York Times, Nov. 27, 1994, § 4, p. 10.
Selected Interviews and Podcasts:
Suzi Morales, Supreme Court Decision Highlights Conflict Between Religious and LGBTQ+ Rights, Respect, New Jersey State Bar Foundation, Winter 2022, at 1, available at, also available at The Respect Rundown, March 1, 2022,
Michael Barbella, Balancing First