Steven F. Friedell
Professor of Law
Steven F. Friedell has an expertise in federal income tax law, maritime law, and Jewish law and has served on Maritime Law and Jewish Law committees of the AALS. A member of the American Law Institute, he has spoken widely on tort law, maritime law, and Jewish law. Previously, he practiced federal income tax law at a firm in Washington D.C.

Professor Friedell teaches courses on maritime law, torts and criminal law. He also has taught conflict of laws, Jewish law, restitution, insurance and Introduction to Federal Income Tax.
He was a member of the executive committee of the AALS Section on Jewish Law from 2004 through 2008 and served as the section's chair in 2003. In 1996, he served as chair of the AALS Section on Maritime Law and was on the executive committee from 1997 to 2001. Professor Friedell is a member of the American Law Institute and of its members consultative group, Intentional Torts to Persons. He has presented extensively to academic and legal audiences on Jewish law, tort law, and maritime law.
Prior to joining the Rutgers faculty in 1977, he was an associate at the Washington, D.C. firm of Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan where he practiced primarily in the area of federal income tax law.
Admiralty and Maritime Law in the United States: Cases and Materials (4th ed 2020). Carolina Academic Press. (With the Late Robertson and Sturley).
Volume 1 of Benedict on Admiralty on Jurisdiction (1988)(and annual updates through the present).
Admiralty and Arbitration, Chapter VIII of Volume 2 of Benedict on Admiralty (1986) (and annual updates through the present)
Confidence Schemes: Theft Loss Deductions, Restitution, and Public Policy, 90 St. John's L. Rev. 25 (2016).
Mutual Company Status Not as Hard to Achieve as Indicated, 47 J. of Taxation 372 (1977)(with Gregory).
Death at Sea and the Right to Jury Trial, 42 Tul. Mar. L.J. 165 (2024).
William Marvin and the Law of Salvage, 12 British J. of Am. Leg. Stud. 317 (2023)..
The Interplay of the Jones Act and the General Maritime Law, 48 J. Mar. L. & Com. 317 (2017).
The Joy of Teaching Admiralty Law, 55 St. Louis U.L. Rev. 589 (2011), available at
An Insured's Right to Jury Trial, 41 J. Mar. L. & Com. 235 (2010).
The Disappearing Act: Removal Jurisdiction of an Admiralty Claim, 30 Tul. Mar. L. Rev. 75 (2006).
When Worlds Collide: The In Rem Jury and Other Marvels of Modern Admiralty, 35 J. Mar. L. & Com. 143 (2004).
A Lump of Coal: Behind the Scenes of The Osceola, 34 Rut. L.J. 637 (2003).
Salvage, 31 J. of Maritime L. & Commerce 311 (2000).
The Proximate Cause Paradox in the Admiralty Extension Act, 31 J. of Maritime L. & Commerce 139 (2000).
Searching for a Compass: State and Federal Law Making Authority in Admiralty, 57 La. L. Rev. 825 (1997).
Admiralty and the Sea of Jewish Law, 27 J. of Maritime L. & Commerce 647 (1996).
Wrongful Death within the Territorial Waters--Does State Law Drown in a Sea of Admiralty, Wests Legal News (Nov. 22, 1995).
Admiralty and Maritime Law, in The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States (Hall, ed. 1992).
An Introduction to In Rem Jurisdiction and Procedure in the United States (with Healy), 20 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 55 (1989).
Salvage and the Public Interest, 4 Cardozo L. Rev. 431 (1983).
The Deviating Ship, 32 Hastings L. J. 1535 (1981).
Compensation and Reward for Saving Life at Sea, 77 Mich. L. Rev. 1218 (1979).
Jewish Law and the Concept of Negligence, 36 Touro L. Rev. 943 (2021) (symposium issue).
Jewish Law in Israel--Hope and Renewal, 38 Quinnipiac L. Rev. 547 (2020) also available at
A Jewish Constitution, 16 Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion 641 (2015), available at
The Recent Transformation of Medical Liability in Jewish Law, 14 DePaul J. Health Care L. 441 (2013), available at
The Role of Jewish Law in a Secular State 24 Jewish Law Association Studies 100, available at
Some Observations about Jewish Law in Israel's Supreme Court, 8 Wash. U. Global Stud. L. Rev. 659 (2009), available at
Medical Malpractice in Jewish Law: Some Parallels to External Norms and Practices, Chicago-Kent Journal of International and Comparative Law (2006), available at
Nobody's Perfect: Proximate Cause in American and Jewish Law, 25 Hastings Intl & Comp. L. Rev. 111 (2002). Reprinted in Mordechai Dinerman (ed)., The Dilemma: Modern Conundrums, Talmudic Debates, Your Solutions 133 (Rohr Jewish Learning Institute 2017). Also available at
Jewish Tort Law Remedies not Based on Torah Law--An Approach based on the Ran and the Rivash, in 10 Jewish Political Studies Review 47 (1998).
The Maharam of Lublin and the Maharshakh on the Tort Liability of the Informer, in Studies in Jewish Law (A. Enker and S. Deutch, eds.) (in Hebrew)(1998).
Admiralty and the Sea of Jewish Law, 27 J. of Maritime L. & Commerce 647 (1996).
The 'Different Voice' in Jewish Law: Some Parallels to a Feminist Jurisprudence, 67 Ind. L. J. 915 (1992), available at
Liability Problems in Nezikin: A Reply to Professor Albeck, 15 Dine Israel 97 (1989-90) (edited by the faculty of Tel Aviv Law School).
Legal Ethics and the Jewish Tradition, 52 Reconstructionist 20 (March-April 1987).
Some Observations on Talmudic Law of Torts, 15 Rutgers L. J. 897 (1984), reprinted in XIII-XIV Dine Israel 65 (1988).
Jewish Divorce in American Courts--The New York Experience, in 1 B. Jackson (ed.) Jewish Law Association Studies at 25 (1985).
The First Amendment and Jewish Divorce: A Comment on Stern v. Stern, 18 J. of Family L. 525 (1980).
Enforceability of Religious Law in Secular Courts--Its Kosher, But is it Constitutional, 71 Mich. L. Rev. 1641 (1973)(student note).
Interest Analysis in New Jersey, 21 Rutgers L. J. 67 (1989).
Camden Law School Class Employs Distance Learning, 6 RUCS Newsletter 51 (1996).
Yuval Sinai. Application of Jewish Law in Secular Courts (in Hebrew), 20 Jewish Law Annual 339 (2013).
Elliot N. Dorff, The Unfolding Tradition: Jewish Law after Sinai, 23 J. L. & Relgion 353 (2007-08).
S. Albeck, Introduction to Jewish Law in Talmudic Times, 93 Jewish Q. Rev. 280 (2002).
A. Kirschenbaum, Equity in Jewish Law , 1993 Brigham Young L. Rev. 909 (1993).
Michael Sturley, Legislative History of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 23 J. Mar. L. & Commerce 325 (1992).
Joel Roth, The Halakhic Process: A Systemic Analysis, 52 The Jewish Spectator no. 4 at 40 (1988).
George Palmer, The Law of Restitution, 11 Rut.-Cam. L. J. 699 (1980).