Todd Clear
University Professor
Todd R. Clear is University Professor of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University. He has served previously as Provost of Rutgers University-Newark, and before that Dean of the School of Criminal Justice.

Todd R. Clear is University Professor of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University. He has served previously as Provost of Rutgers University-Newark, and before that Dean of the School of Criminal Justice. Clear has also held professorships at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (where he held the rank of Distinguished Professor), and Florida State University (where he was also Associate Dean of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice). The author of 13 books and over 100 articles and book chapters, Clear’s most recent book is The Punishment Imperative, (with Natasha Frost). Clear has written on community justice, correctional classification, prediction methods in correctional programming, community-based correctional methods, intermediate sanctions, and sentencing policy. He is currently involved in studies of mass incarceration, prison reform and violence, and college for people in prison. Clear has served as president of The American Society of Criminology, The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and The Association of Doctoral Programs in Criminology and Criminal Justice. His work has been recognized through awards given by the American Society of Criminology, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, the Rockefeller School of Public Policy, the American Probation and Parole Association, the American Correctional Association, and the International Community Corrections Association. He was the founding editor of the journal Criminology & Public Policy, published by the American Society of Criminology.
Todd R. Clear and Natasha Frost, The Punishment Imperative: The Rise and Failure of Mass incarceration in America, NY: NYU Press (2013).
Natasha A. Frost, Joshua D. Freilich, and Todd R. Clear, eds., Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy: Policy Proposals for the American Society of Criminology Conference. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth (2009).
Todd R. Clear, Imprisoning Communities: How Mass Incarceration Makes Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Worse. NY: Oxford University Press (2007). Portions reprinted in Alexander Papachristou, ed. Blind Goddess: A Reader on Race and Justice, (NY: The New Press, 2011).
Todd R. Clear and Eric Cadora, Community Justice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Press, Series on Contemporary Issues in Crime and Justice (2003).
David R. Karp and Todd R. Clear, What is Community Justice? Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press (2002).
Todd R. Clear and David R. Karp, The Community Justice Ideal: Preventing Crime and Achieving Justice. NY: Westview Press. Series on Law and Society (1999).
Todd R. Clear and Harry Dammer, The Offender in the Community Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2000; 2003 (first and second editions).
Todd R. Clear, Harm in American Penology: Offenders, Victims and Their Communities State University of New York Press (1995). Listed in "Top Ten Books of the Year--1995" by Federal Probation. Criminal Justice and Behavior vol. 25, no. 1 (March, 1998).
Todd R. Clear, Val B. Clear and William D. Burrell, The Pre-Sentence Investigation Report: Information for Sentencing and Corrections Cincinnati, Anderson Pub Co., 1988.
Todd R. Clear and George Cole, American Corrections Wadsworth, Monterey, CA, 1986, 1990, 1994,1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015 (first through eleventh editions).
Todd R. Clear and Vincent O'Leary, Controlling the Offender in the Community-Reform of Community Supervision Lexington Publishing Co., Lexington, MA, 1983.
John D. Hewitt and Todd R. Clear, The Impact of Sentencing Reform University Press of America, NY, 1983. Reviewed in Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol. 74, No. 4 (Winter, 1983).
William D. Rich, L. Paul Sutton, Todd R. Clear, Michael J. Saks, Sentencing by Mathematics National Center for State Courts, Williamsburg, VA, 1982.
Martin D. Schwartz, Todd R. Clear and Lawrence Travis III, Corrections: An Issues Approach Anderson Publishing Co., Cincinnati, OH, 1980, 1983 and 1989 (first, second and third editions).
Book Chapters
Todd R. Clear, and James F. Austin, “Mass Incarceration,” In Reforming Criminal Justice, Volume 4: Punishment, Incarceration and Release. Phoenix: Academy for Justice, 2017.
Natasha A. Frost, Todd R. Clear, and Carlos E. Monteiro, “Ending Mass Incarceration: Six Bold Reforms to Rapidly Reduce Incarceration without Compromising Public Safety,” in Ernest Drucker, ed., Decarcerating America, NY: New Press, 2017.
Natasha Frost and Todd R. Clear, “Theories of Mass Incarceration,” Oxford Handbook on Prisons and Imprisonment, edited by John Wooldredge and Paula Smith, NY: Oxford, 2016.
Natasha A. Frost and Todd R. Clear, “Coercive Mobility,” in Francis T. Cullen and Pamela Wilcox, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory, NY: Oxford, 2013, 691-708.
“Politicization of “The ‘Iron Law’ of Prison Populations: Reducing Prison Admissions and Length of Stay to End Mass Incarceration,” in Prisoners: An Old and Contemporary Story," in Marc Mauer, ed., The Sentencing Project's 25th Anniversary Forum: Criminal Justice 2036: A 25-Year Vision For Reform. Washington, DC: The Sentencing Project (2012), p. 56-57.
“Politicization of Prisoners is an Old and Contemporary Story," in Richard Rosenfeld, Kenna Quinet, and Crystal Garcia, eds., Contemporary Issues in Criminological Theory and Research: The Role of Social Institutions. Papers from the American Society of Criminology 2010. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. (2010) pp. 205-208.
Todd R. Clear and Natasha Frost, “Criminology and Public Policy", J. Mitchell Miller, ed., 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook, vol I. (2009) pp. 18-27.
“Communities with High Incarceration Rates” in Michael Tonry, ed., Crime & Justice: a Review of Research. Vol 37 (2008) pp. 97-132.
"The Great Punishment Experiment: Lessons for Social Justice," in After the War on Crime: Race, Democracy and a New Reconstruction, edited by Mary Louise Frampton, Ian Haney Lopez, and Jonathan Simon, xx - xx, New York: New York University Press, 2008.
“Impact of incarceration on community public safety and public health,” in Robert Greifinger, ed. Improving Public Health Through Correctional Health Care. NY: Springer, 2007.
“Community Justice Versus Restorative Justice: Contrasts in Family of Values,” in Handbook of Restorative Justice: A Global Perspective, edited by Dennis Sullivan and Larry Tifft. London: Taylor and Francis, 2006
Todd R. Clear, Elin Waring, and Kristen Scully, ”Communities and Reentry: Concentrated Reentry Cycling,” in Jeremy Travis and Christy Visher, eds., Prisoner Reentry and Public Safety in America, NY: Cambridge Univ. Press (2005) pp. 179–208.
Sumter, Melvina T. and Clear, Todd R., “Religion In the Correctional Setting,” in Rosllyn Muraskin, ed. Key Correctional Issues. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (2004) pp. 86-119
Dina Rose and Todd R. Clear, “Incarceration, Reentry and Social Capital: Social Networks in the Balance,” in Jeremy Travis and Michelle Waul, Eds. Prisoners Once Removed: The Impact of Incarceration and Reentry on Children, Families and Communities. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press. Pp. 314-342 (2004)
"The Problem with 'Addition by Subtraction': The Prison-Crime Relationship in Low Income Communities," in Marc Mauer and Meda Chesney-Lind, eds., Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment, NY: The New Press, (2003), pp 181-194.
Todd R. Clear and Dina R. Rose, “Individual Sentencing Practices and Aggregate Social Problems,” in D. Hawkins, S. L. Myers, and R. N. Stone, eds., Crime Control and Social Justice: The Delicate Balance. Westport, CT: Greenwood (2003).
Harry Dammer and Todd R. Clear, “Probation,” in David Levinson, ed., Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage (2002).
Todd R. Clear and Eric Cadora, “Risk and Correctional Practice,” in Kevin Stenson and Robert R. Sullivan, eds., Crime, Risk, and Justice: The Politics of Crime Control in Liberal Democracies. Portland: Willan (2000).
Todd R. Clear and Adam Crawford, “Transforming Communities Through Restorative Justice,” in Gordon Bazemore and Mara Schiff (eds.) Restorative Community Justice: Cultivating Common Ground. Cincinnati: Anderson (2000).
Allen K. Lynch, Todd R. Clear, and David W. Rasmussen, “Modeling the Cost of Crime,” in Nigel Walker, The Economics of Crime. Aldershot, UK: Avebury (2000).
Todd R. Clear and Karen Terry, “Corrections Beyond Prison Walls,” in Joseph F. Sheley, ed., Criminology Belmont, CA: Wadsworth (third edition, 2000).
Todd R. Clear and David R. Karp, “Community Justice,” in Criminal Justice–2000, edited by the National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC (2000).
Todd R. Clear and Ronald J. Corbett, Jr., “The Community Corrections of Place,” in Crime and Place: Plenary Papers of the 1997 Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, 1998, pp. 69-80.
Todd R. Clear and David R. Karp, “The Community Justice Movement,” in David R. Karp, ed., Community Justice: An Emerging Field. Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield, 1998, pp. 3-30.
Todd R. Clear, “Societal Responses to the President’s Crime Commission: A Thirty Year Retrospective,” in U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society: Looking Book, Looking Forward. U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. (1998).
Todd R. Clear, “Evaluating Intensive Probation: The American Experience,” in George Mair, ed., Evaluating the Effectiveness of Community Penalties. Aldershot: Avebury, 1997.
Todd R. Clear, "The Unintended Consequences of Incarceration," in Consequences of Incarceration NY: Vera Institute of Justice, January, 1996. Reprinted in Edward J. Latessa, Alexander Holzinger, and James W. Marquart (eds.) Correctional Contexts: Contemporary and Classical Readings. Los Angeles: Roxbury (2001).
Todd R. Clear, “Community Corrections: Principles Toward the Future,” in Centre for Crime Policy and Public Safety, Community Corrections in the 21st Century: Challenge, Choice and Change. Conference Proceedings, Griffith Univ. Press, 1995.
Todd R. Clear, “Challenges of Mentally Ill Offenders in Community Corrections,” in Arthur Lurigio, ed., Mentally Ill and Drug Abusing Offenders in Probation and Parole. Washington, D.C.: The National Coalition for Mental Illness and Substance Abuse in Criminal Justice, December, 1995.
Todd R. Clear and Anthony Braga, "Community Corrections," in James Q. Wilson and Joan Petersilia, eds., Crime Washington, DC: Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1995. Reprinted in Joan Petersilia, ed., Community Corrections: Probation, Parole and Intermediate Sanctions. (NY: Oxford University Press, 1998).
"Ophelia the CCW," in John Klofas and Stan Stojkovic, eds., Criminal Justice in the Year 2010 Monterrey: Wadsworth, 1995. Reprinted in Wilson R. Palacios, Paul F. Cromwell, and Roger G. Dunham, eds. Crime & Justice in America: Present Realities and Future Prospects. (2nd ed.) (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2001)
Todd R. Clear and Anthony Braga, "Intensive Supervision--Why Bother?" in Charles B. Fields, ed., Innovative Trends and Specialized Strategies in Community-Based Corrections Garland Publishing, 1994.
Todd R. Clear, James M. Byrne, and Joel A. Dvoskin, "The Transition From Being an Inmate: Discharge Planning, Parole and Community-Based Services for Offenders with Mental Illness," in Henry J. Steadman and Joseph J. Cocozza, eds., Mental Illness in America's Prisons Washington, DC: National Coalition for Mentally Ill Offenders, 1993, pp. 131-158.
Todd R. Clear and James Byrne, "The Future of Intermediate Sanctions: Some Questions to Consider," in James Byrne, Arthur Lurigio and Joan Petersilia, eds. Smart Sentencing Newburg Park, CA: Sage, 1992.
"Punishment and Control in Probation Supervision" in Clayton Hartjen, ed., Issues in Corrections Beverly Hills: Sage, 1992.
"Juvenile Intensive Supervision: Theory and Rationale" in Troy Armstrong, ed. Intensive Interventions with Juvenile Offenders Criminal Justice Press, Monsey, 1991.
"Correction Beyond Prison Walls," in Joseph F. Sheley, ed., Criminology Monterrey: Wadsworth (first and second editions), 1991 and 1994.
"The Punishment Addiction," in Proceedings of the National Conference on Sentencing Advocacy Public Law Institute, New York, 1989.
Todd R. Clear and Patricia M. Harris, "The Costs of Incarceration," in Stephen Gottfredson and Sean McConnville eds., Controlling Prison Populations Greenwood Press, Greenwood, IL, 1987.
"Probation, Parole and Minimum Security" in Ferdinand N. Dutile and Cleon Faust, eds., The Prediction of Criminal Violence Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, 1987, pp. 141-152.
Todd R. Clear, Suzanne Flynn and Carol Shapiro, "Intensive Supervision in Probation: A Comparison of Three Projects" in Belinda R. McCarthy, ed., Intermediate Punishments: Intensive Supervision, Home Confinement and Electronic Surveillance Monsey, NY, Willow-Tree Press, 1987, pp. 31 - 50.
"Managerial Issues in Community Corrections," in Lawrence Travis III, Probation, Parole and Community Corrections Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, IL (1985).
Todd R. Clear and Laura Maiello, "Corrections" in America's Cities and Counties: A Citizen's Agenda, 1983-1984 The Conference on State and Local Policies, Washington, D.C., 1983.
Todd R. Clear and Robert Culbertson, "Determinate vs. Indeterminate Sentencing: Some Myths in the Controversy," in W. Taylor and M. Braswell, eds., Issues in Criminal and Police Psychology University Press of America, Washington, D.C., 1981.
Todd R. Clear and Martin D. Schwartz, "The Politics of Corrections," in Critical Issues in Corrections edited by Vince Webb and published by West Publishing Company, St. Paul, MN, 1980.
James Austin, Todd Clear, Troy Duster, David F. Greenberg, John Irwin, Candace McCoy, Alan Mobley, Barbara Owen, Joshua Page, Unlocking America: Why and How to Reduce America’s Prison Population. Santa Monica, CA: JF Associates. 2007.
Melvina Sumter and Todd R. Clear. What works with religion in the correctional setting? International Association of Community Corrections: Monograph Series. April 2002 (Publication 2)
Program of the American Society of Criminology, Annual Meeting, 1995 Columbus, Ohio: American Society of Criminology, 1995.
Vincent O'Leary and Todd R. Clear, Community Corrections into the 21st Century Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Corrections. 1995.
Prisons, Prisoners and Religion Report of the Pew Foundation Study of Religion in Prison, Newark: Rutgers University, 1992.
NCCD Policy Statement on Sentencing NCCD: San Francisco, 1992.
"Prediction Methods in Corrections," special edition of the NIC/KUTAK monograph series, Research in Corrections National Institute of Corrections, Washington, D.C., 1988.
Vincent O'Leary and Todd R. Clear, Directions for Community Corrections in the 1990's National Institute of Corrections, Washington, D.C., 1984.
Objectives-Based Case Planning, National Institute of Corrections, Washington, D.C., 1981.
Peaceful Resolution of Prison Conflict, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Homewood, IL, 1973 (Ch 2).
Journal Articles (Refereed)
Todd R. Clear, “A Thug in Prison Can’t Shoot your Sister,” Criminology & Public Policy,” v 15, n 2, pp. 343-348.
Todd R. Clear and Aaron Ho (2014) “The First 50 Years of the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency:
An Essay,” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Vol. 51(4) 402-423.
Natasha A. Frost & Todd R. Clear (2012): New Directions in Correctional Research, Justice Quarterly, 2012:
Todd R. Clear and Dennis C. Schrantz, “Strategies for Reducing Prison Populations,” The Prison Journal. 91(3) September, 2011.
"A Private Sector, Incentives-Based Model for Justice Reinvestment." Criminology & Public Policy. Vol 10, no. 3 (August, 2011) pp. 583-608.
“Policy and Evidence: The Challenge to the American Society of Criminology, Presidential address to the American Society of Criminology,” Criminology vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 1-27, 2009.
Todd R. Clear, and James Austin, “Reducing Mass Incarceration: Implications of the Iron Law of Prison Populations,” Harvard Review of Law and Policy vol. 3, pp 307-324, 2009.
Frost, Natasha A., Todd R. Clear, “Understanding Mass Incarceration as a Grand Social Experiment.” Studies in Law, Politics, and Society. Vol 47, pp. 159-191, 2009.
Frost, Natasha A., Nickie D. Phillips and Todd R. Clear, “Productivity of Criminal Justice Scholars Across the Career.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education. Volume 18, Number 3: 428-443. 2008.
“Places not Cases: Rethinking the Probation Focus,” The Howard Journal. vol. 44 no. 2, May, 2005, pp. 172-183.
Dina R. Rose and Todd R. Clear, “Who Doesn’t Know Someone in Prison or Jail: The Impact of Exposure to Prison on Attitudes Toward Formal and Informal Social Control,” The Prison Journal. vol 82, no 2, June, 2004, pp. 208-227.
Todd R. Clear, Dina R. Rose, Elin Waring and Kristen Scully, “Coercive Mobility and Crime: a Preliminary Examination of Concentrated Incarceration and Social Disorganization,” Justice Quarterly. 20(1) Spring, 2003, pp. 33-64. Reprinted in William T. Lyons, Jr, ed., Crime and Criminal Justice: The International Library of Essays in Law and Society. London: Aldershot (2005).
“Has Academic Criminal Justice Come of Age?” Justice Quarterly. 18(4) Winter, 2001, pp. 709-726.
Christopher Krebs, Brion Sever, and Todd R. Clear, “Disparate Sentencing: A Tragedy of the Commons,” Corrections Management Quarterly 3(2) Spring, 1999, pp. 60-75.
“Leading From and Leading Toward,” Corrections Management Quarterly 3(1) Winter, 1999, pp. 14-18.
Dina R. Rose and Todd R. Clear, “Incarceration, Social Capital and Crime: Examining the Unintended Consequences of Incarceration,” Criminology. 36:3 (August, 1998), pp. 441-479. Reprinted in Suzette Cote, ed.. Criminological Theories: Bringing the Past to the Future. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (2002). Reprinted in Crime and Social Institutions, Richard Rosenfeld, ed., London: Ashgate.
Todd R. Clear and David R. Karp, “Community Corrections: An Essay,” Corrections Management Quarterly 2:3 (Summer, 1998) pp. 49-60.
“Ten Unanticipated Consequences of Incarceration,” Corrections Management Quarterly. 1:2 (1997), pp. 25-31.
"The Punitive Paradox: Desert and the Compulsion to Punish," Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 33:1 (February, 1996) pp. 94-108.
Todd R. Clear and Barbara Morrell, “The Political Philosophy of Justice and Community Life,” Caribbean Journal of Criminology and Social Psychology. 1:2 (July, 1996).
"On the Core in Criminal Justice Curriculum," Journal of Criminal Justice Education 4:2 (Fall, 1993) pp. 1201-1208.
Todd R. Clear, Val B. Clear and Anthony Braga, "Correctional Alternatives for Drug Offenders in an Era of Overcrowding," The Prison Journal 73:2 (June, 1993) pp. 178-198. Reprinted in L K. Gaines, Drugs, Crime and Justice (Waveland Press) 1997; L. K. Gaines and P.B. Kraska, Drugs, Crime and Justice (Waveland Press) 2003.
Todd R. Clear and Ed Latessa, "Probation Officers' Roles in Intensive Supervision: Surveillance vs. Treatment," Justice Quarterly 10:3 (September, 1993) 441-460. Reprinted in Joan Petersilia, ed., An Interdiscplinary Reader in Community Corrections (New York: Oxford Univ.) 1996.
Todd R. Clear, Patricia M. Harris and S. Christopher Baird, "Probation Violations and Officer Response," Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 20, No. 1, 1992, pp 1-12.
"Electronic Surveillance: A Conceptual and Philosophical Critique" Policy Studies Review Vol. 3, 1991 671-681.
Patricia M. Harris and Todd R. Clear "Have Probation and Parole Officers Changed Their Attitudes Toward Supervision?" Justice Quarterly Vol. 6, No. 2 1989, pp 233-246. Reprinted in Thomas Ellsworth Contemporary Community Corrections, (Prospect Hts., IL: Waveland) 1992.
Kevin W. Wright, Todd R. Clear and Paul Dickson, "A Critique of the Universal Applicability of Risk-Assessment Instruments," Criminology 22:1, February 1984, pp. 113-133.
Todd R. Clear and Ken Gallagher, "Management Issues in Screening Devices in Probation and Parole, Evaluation Review 7:2, 1983, pp. 217-234. Reprinted in Tom Ellsworth, Contemporary Community Corrections (Prospect Hts., IL: Waveland) 1992.
Todd R. Clear, P. Kevin Benoit and Stephen Morris, "Objectives Based Case Management," Criminal Justice Journal Fall, 1982, pp. 69-94.
Todd R. Clear, Patricia M. Harris and Albert L. Record, "Managing the Costs of Corrections During Fiscal Restraint," The Prison Journal (Spring-Summer, 1982, pp. 1-92.)
Robert M. Regoli, John D. Hewitt and Todd R. Clear "Evaluating the Cook County Sentencing Guidelines: A Replication and Extension," 4 Law and Policy Quarterly 2, April 1982, pp. 252-262.
John D. Hewitt, Todd R. Clear and Robert M. Regoli, "Program Evaluation in Criminal Justice Agencies," 2 Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 1, December 1981, pp. 14-18.
"Correctional Policy, Neo-Retributionism and the Determinate Sentence," Justice System Journal Vol. 4, 26, 1978. Reprinted in George Cole, Readings in Criminal Justice, Duxbury Press, N. Scituate, MA, 1980 and 1984 (first and second editions).
"Three Dilemmas in Community Supervision" The Prison Journal 59:2, Autumn-Winter, 1979. Reprinted in Robert Carter, Daniel Glaser and Leslie T. Wilkins, Probation, Parole and Community Corrections (3rd ed.), John Wiley & Sons, NY (1984).
Todd R. Clear and John D. Hewitt, "Site-Based Sentencing Research," 6 Review of Public Data Use 6, November, 1978.
Todd R. Clear and John Hewitt, "Disparity, Humaneness and Reform Politics: A Critical Analysis of the Determinate Sentence," Criminal Justice Review Spring, 1978.
"Crime and Utility Maximization: A Note on Danzinger and Wheeler," Review of Social Economy Vol. 34 (1), 1976.
Dennis Sullivan, Larry Siegal and Todd R. Clear, "The Half-Way House, Ten Years Later: A Reappraisal of a Correctional Innovation," Canadian Journal of Corrections vol. 16 (2), 1974.
Other Articles
James Austin, Todd Clear, and Garry Coventry, “Reinvigorating Justice Reinvestment,” Federal Sentencing Reporter, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 6–14 (October, 2016).
Review Symposium Comment on Justice Reinvestment: Winding Back Imprisonment. In Current Issues In Criminal Justice. Vol 28, no.1. (July, 2016).
“The Big Society in the Context of a Changing Justice System,” Criminology & Criminal Justice. (Winter, 2012) pp. 18-23.
”The Criminology of Downsizing,” Victims & Offenders, vol 10, no. 4, pp. 358-364 (October, 2015).
William D. Burrell and Todd R. Clear, “The Great Punishment Experiment” Perspectives. Vol 36, no 2 (Spring, 2012) pp 52-59.
“The Community-Level Consequences of Mass Incarceration,” Journal of Catholic Social Thought, 8:1 2011, 1-16.
Editorial Introduction to “Public Criminologies,” Criminology & Public Criminologies.” Vol 9, no 4 (Nov. 2010) 721-724.
“The ASC’s Policy Efforts” The Criminologist, vol 34, no 4 (July August) 2009, pp. 1, 3-5. (Contributions in the “P
“Incarceration and Communities,” Criminal Justice Matters. Vol 75, no. 1 pp. 26 - 27. March, 2009.
Todd R. Clear and Natasha Frost, “Rules of Engagement: Criminology and Criminal Justice Policy, Criminal Justice
Matters. Vol 72, Issue 1: pp.37-38. June, 2008.
“Mindful Punishment: What to do About the South African Penal System, and Why,” South Africa Crime Quarterly Vol XXX (March, 2008).
“The Social Consequences of Mass Incarceration,” Social Research. 74(2): 2-18 (Summer, 2007).
“The Problem of Incarceration,” The Commitment. vol 15, no. 1 (Summer, 2006) p 13.
“Making Justice Reinvestment Work” Safer Society. No. 23 (Winter 2004) pp. 15-17.
Todd R. Clear and Christina Pratt, “Community Justice as Public Safety,” Perspectives 28:1 (Winter, 2004), 42-47.
“Thoughts about Action and Ideology in CJ Reform,” Contemporary Justice Review. vol 7, no. 1 (2004) 69-74.
“The Results of American Incarceration,” The World & I. Pp. 18-21 (December, 2003)
Todd R. Clear and Melvina T. Sumter, “Prisoners, Prison, and Religion: Religion and Adjustment to Prison,” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 35:3/4:127-159 (2002). Reprinted in Religion, the Community, and the Rehabilitation of Criminal Offenders. Thomas P. O’Connor and Nathaniel J. Pallone, eds., NY: Haworth (2003).
“Something New, A Falling Prison Population,” Community Corrections Report. (November/December, 2001). : pp.1-2, 12-13.
Dina R.Rose, Todd R. Clear, and Judith Ryder, “Addressing the Unintended Consequences of Incarceration through Community-Oriented Services at the Neighborhood Level” Corrections Management Quarterly. (5)3:62-71, 2001.
“Considering Unintended Consequences of Incarceration,” Community Corrections Report. (September/October, 2001). 8:5; pp. 84-85, 96.
Todd R. Clear, Dina R. Rose, and Judith A. Ryder, “Incarceration and Community: The Problem of Removing and Returning Offenders, Crime and Delinquency. 47:3, 335-351 (July, 2001).
“Failure and Success as Processes,” Community Corrections Report. (July/August, 2001). 8:4; pp. 67,68, 78.
Todd R. Clear and Harry R. Dammer, ‘‘Probation,’’ Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment. Great Barrington, NA: Berkshire (2001).
“Thinking Strategically About the American Society of Criminology,” The Criminologist. Vol 26. No. 1 (January/February, 2001) pp. 1, 3-6.
Toqir K. Mukhtar and Todd R. Clear, “Understanding the Relationship Between Intervention Programs and Desistance from Offending: What Does the Research Tell Us?” Community Corrections Report. (March/April, 2001). 8:3; pp. 1,-2, 43-46.
“Call for New Program Ideas for Community Corrections,” Community Corrections Report. (January/February, 2001). 8:2; pp. 17, 28-30.
Todd R. Clear and David R. Karp, “Toward the Ideal of Community Justice,” NIJ Journal. pp. 20-28 (October, 2000).
“How to Make Broken Windows Theory Really Work in Community Corrections,” Community Corrections Report. (November/December, 2000). 8:1; pp. 3-4, 15.
“Incarceration as a De-stabilizer of Inner-City Life,” Community Corrections Report. (September/October, 2000). 7:6; pp. 83-84, 95.
Todd R. Clear and Gregory Saville, “Community Renaissance with Community Justice,” The Neighborhood Works Journal. 18:2, 19-24 (Spring/Summer, 2000).
“Community Justice as a Strategy: How CASES Makes it Work,” Community Corrections Report. 7:4; pp. 49-50, 60-62. (May/June, 2000).
Todd R. Clear, Patricia L. Hardyman, Bruce Stout, Karol Lucken, and Harry Dammer, “The Value of Religion in Prison: An Inmate Perspective,” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice vol. 16, no. 1 (2000) pp. 53-74.
Todd R. Clear and Dina Rose, “When Neighbors Go to Jail: Impact on Attitudes About Formal and Informal Social Control,” National Institute of Justice Research in Brief July, 1999.
Todd R. Clear and Gary Cordner, “Does ‘Zero Tolerance’ Really Reduce Crime?” Community Corrections Report. 6:4 ; pp. 53-54 (May/June, 1999).
“How Shunning Community Corrections Increases Corrections Costs,” Community Corrections Report. 6:3 ; pp. 7-9 (March, 1999).
Todd R. Clear and Ronald P. Corbett, “The Community Corrections of Place,” Perspectives vol. 23, no. 1 (Winter, 1999), pp. 24-32.
“Forgiveness--Restorative Justice in the Broadest Context,” Community Corrections Report. 6:1 ; pp. 7-9 (November, 1998).
“The Politics of Crime Policy: Getting Used to Declining Crime Rates,” Community Corrections Report. 5:6; pp. 81, 92-93 (October, 1998).
“Dealing With Gangs: A Look at the Interplay of Punishment, Stigma, and Social Isolation Suggests a Rethinking of Current Policy,” Community Corrections Report. 5:5; pp. 73-74, 77 (July, 1998)
“Zimring and Hawkins on Crime and Violence--Implications for Community Corrections Policy,” Community Corrections Report. 5:4; pp. 51-52, 56 (May, 1998).
“Value Added Crime Policy,” Community Corrections Report. 5:3; pp. 33-34, 45-46 (March, 1998). Reprinted in The Crime Victims Report, 2:4 (September, 1998).
Todd R. Clear, Matthew White, and Kristen Presnell, “The Offender in the Community: Implications of the
Experience in the United States for the New Czech Republic, Crime, Law, and Social Change
28:3-4; 243-268 (1997-98).
“Visioning the Future of Corrections in the Community,” Community Corrections Report. 5:1; pp. 1, 12 (November, 1997).
“Corrections 2000: Five Critical Questions,” Community Corrections Report. 4:5, pp.65, 79-80 (July, 1997).
“Developing a Universal Risk-Assessment Form: We’re Closer But We’re Not There Yet,” Community Corrections Report. 4:4 (July, 1997) 49, 59-60.
“Four Ways Meta-Analysis Suggests We Must Rethink Correctional Treatment,” Community Corrections Report. 4(3):35-36. March/April (1997).
“Meta-analysis: Something New in the Debate on Correctional Treatment,” Community Corrections Report. 4(3): 33,43-44. March/April (1997).
“Emerging Trends in Restorative Community Justice,” Community Corrections Report. 4(2): 15,30. January/February, 1997.
“The New Criminology of ‘Place’ Signals an End to Atomistic Crime Policies,” Community Corrections Report. 4(1): 1, 20. November/December, 1996.
“Backfire: When Incarceration Increases Crime” Journal of the Oklahoma Criminal Justice Research Consortium. Vol. 3; No. 2: August (1996) pp. 1-10. Reprinted in Edward J. Latessa, Alexander Holsinger, James W. Marquart, and Jonathon R. Sorensen, (eds.) Correctional Contexts: Contemporary and Classical Readings. LA: Roxbury (2001). Reprinted in R. Espejo (ed.), America’s Prisons. San Diego: Greenhaven (2001).
“The Costs of Crime,” Community Corrections Report. 4(1): 5-6. Nov/December, 1996.
“Toward a Corrections of ‘Place:’ The Challenge of ‘Community’ in Corrections,” NIJ Journal (September, 1996).