Victoria Chase
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Clinical Associate Professor of Law
Victoria Chase directs the Domestic Violence Clinic. The Domestic Clinic represents survivors of domestic and sexual violence in restraining order and related matters. Professor Chase also oversees a statewide appellate project for domestic violence matters. In addition to her expertise in legal remedies for violence against women, she has past experience in disability law, transportation law, environmental law, and family law. She has taught courses in Evidence, Professional Responsibility, Family Law, Disability Law and Persuasion (legal rhetoric).

Professor Victoria Chase directs the Domestic Violence Clinic and serves as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
The Domestic Clinic represents survivors of domestic and sexual violence in restraining order and related matters. Professor Chase also oversees a statewide appellate project for domestic violence matters. In addition to her expertise in legal remedies for violence against women, she has past experience in disability law, transportation law, environmental law, and family law. She has taught courses in Evidence, Family Law, Rethinking Criminal Law, Professional Responsibility, Disability Law and Persuasion (legal rhetoric).
Professor Chase has been recognized for her teaching and contributions as a faculty member at Rutgers Law, including awards such as Lawyering Professor of the Year (2007, 2010, 2018, and 2022), the Deans Award for Distinguished Service (2014 and 2018), the Chancellor's Award for Distinguished Service (2017), and the Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence (2018).
She graduated cum laude from Rutgers School of Law-Camden in 1998 and received her Bachelor of Arts from the College of William and Mary in 1991. In 2004, the Philadelphia Business Journal named Professor Chase to the "40 under 40" recognizing her as one of the region's top young professionals and, in 2015, she was named Camden County Women's Center Partner of the Year. Professor Chase's diverse employment history includes serving as the Executive Director of the Legal Clinic for the Disabled, a public interest nonprofit law firm providing legal services to people with disabilities, as well as commercial litigation with Manko, Gold, Katcher and Fox, LLP and serving as an Honors Attorney with the U.S. Department of Transportation. She also has served on a number of statewide committees, including the New Jersey Supreme Court Ad Hoc Committee on Domestic Violence (2015) and the Steering Committee for the New Jersey Victims Assistance Academy (2015-2016). Professor Chase was also on the ReNew Camden Prisoner Reentry Interdisciplinary Team (2015-2016).
Reframing Family Law: Using narratively-informed lawyering to build an inclusive curriculum, with Ann Freedman, 60 Family Ct. Rev. 669-690 (2022)
Community Intervention in Context: Gender-Based Violence, Inequality and Intervention in the United States and Cuba, with Sara Plummer, Phd, Vol. 8, Special Issue, REVFLACSO, Social Development Studies: Cuba and Latin America Journal, (2020)
Book Chapter:
Ethical Considerations in 1L Collaborative Classrooms (with Nantiya Ruan and Jason K. Cohen), in The New 1L: First Year Lawyering With Clients (Capulong, Milleman, Rankin & Ruan, eds., 2015).
Recent Presentations:
Presenter, Fifty Shades, Plausibility and Sexual Assault in the BDSM Context, New England Regional Clinical Conference, Vermont Law School, March 31, 2023
Co-Presenter, Narratively-Informed Lawyering and Simulations as a Cross-Silo Strategy, Legal Writing Institute One Day Workshop, Fordham law School, December 16, 2022
Co-Presenter, Crafting Child Support Narratives for Returning Citizens as Anti-Racist Practice and Pedagogy, 2021 Applied Legal Storytelling Conference, July 2021
Co-Presenter, Enhancing Empathy and Resilience by Combining Doctrinal Teaching, Process Drama, and Live Client Work, American Association of Law Schools Clinical Conference, May 1, 2021
Panelist, Opting In and Opting Out, Trapped In and Locked Out of Family Law, with Ann Freedman, Family Law Section, American Association of Law Schools Annual Conference, January 5, 2021
Video Presenter, Confronting the Intersection of Family Law and Criminal Law in Clinical Teaching, with Ann Freedman, American Association of Law Schools Virtual Clinical Conference July 21-23, 2020
Presenter, Collaboration: the tending and feeding of teams, 4th Annual Conference on Integrating Positive Psychology to Law School Conference, Suffolk University, June 19, 2020
Co-Presenter, Community Intervention in Context: Gender-based Violence, Inequality and Intervention in the United States and Cuba, Rutgers University and University of Havana Collaboration Conference, Havana, Cuba, November 12, 2019
Presenter, Developing Personal Portfolios: Student Narratives of Resilience and Success, 3rd Annual Integrating Positive Psychology to Law School Conference, Suffolk University, June 14, 2019
Moderator and presenter, Relationships and Constitutional Process in the United States and Cuba, Rutgers University Third Annual Conference and Meeting in Cuba, Varadero, Cuba, November 11, 2018
Panelist, Reentry Courts Summit, Third Judicial Circuit of the United States Courts, Funding Sources, May 5, 2015