Distinguished Professor of Law
Ellen P. Goodman
Rutgers Law School
217 N 5th St
Camden, NJ 08102
  • Biography
  • Publications
  • Courses Taught
  • Expertise

Professor Goodman specializes in information policy law. Her research interests include smart cities, algorithmic governance, freedom of expression, platform policies, communications architectures, media and advertising law, and transparency policy. She is Co-Director and co-founder of the Rutgers Institute for Information Policy & Law (RIIPL).

Professor Goodman recently completed service as Senior Advisor for Algorithmic Justice at NTIA, U.S. Department of Commerce. She has served as a Senior Fellow at the Digital Innovation & Democracy Institute at the German Marshall Fund and has received grants from the Knight, Ford, and Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation for various projects involving new models of platform regulation and transparency, digital public media and democracy, and algorithmic system justice. She has also advised a number of cities on responsible tech deployment, served as Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the FCC, and held visiting positions at Yale Law School, the University of Pennsylvania's Carey Law School, Annenberg School of Communication, and the Wharton School, as well as the London School of Economics. 

Prior to joining the Rutgers faculty in 2003, Professor Goodman was a partner in the Washington, D.C. law firm of Covington & Burling LLP and served as Of Counsel with the firm until 2009. Professor Goodman clerked for Judge Norma L. Shapiro on the U.S. Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, after graduating from Harvard Law School and Harvard College. She has three children. She blogs at riipl.rutgers.edu and at medium.com, and has written for the The Guardian, Tech Policy Press, Democracy, and Slate.   


Academic Articles, Reports, and Chapters

Popular Writing and Podcasting

Other Monographs

  • Public Media Policy Reform and Digital Age Realities in Communications Law and Policy in the Digital Age: The Next Five Years (Randolph May ed.) (Carolina Academic 2012)
  • Public Service Media Narratives in Handbook of Media Law and Policy: A Socio-Legal Exploration (Monroe E. Price & Stefaan G. Verhulst, ed.)(Routledge 2012)
  • FCC, Information Needs of Communities (2011) (principal author of 50 page nonprofit media section)
  • Spectrum Policy and the Public Interest in Television Goes Digital (Darcy Gerbarg ed., 2009)
  • Public Service Media 2.0 in … And Communications for All:  A Policy Agenda for a New Administration (Amit M. Schejter ed., 2009)
  • Public Television and Pluralistic Ideals in The Future of Public Service Broadcasting (Tim Gardam & David Levy ed., 2008)
  • Spectrum Sharing and Spectrum Efficiency in A Framework for a National Broadband Policy (Aspen Institute 2008)
  • Proactive Media Policy in an Age of Content Abundance in Media Diversity and Localism:  Meanings and Metrics (Philip M. Napoli ed., 2006)

Abstracts and electronic copies of some of Ellen Goodman's papers are available on her author page at the SSRN Electronic Library at: 

Courses Taught
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Big Data
  • Digital Platforms
  • Privacy
  • Administrative Law
  • Advertising Law
  • Animal Law
  • Communications Law
  • Copyright Law
  • First Amendment
  • Intellectual Property
  • Internet Law
  • Media Law