Linda S. Bosniak
Distinguished Professor of Law
Linda S. Bosniak is an internationally known scholar who has published extensively on questions of immigration, citizenship, nationalism, equality and and territoriality in constitutional and political theory. She is currently in residence at the Institute For Advanced Study in Princeton (2015-2017), where she is completing a new book on territoriality and immigrants’ rights.

Linda S. Bosniak is an internationally known scholar who has published extensively on questions of immigration, citizenship, nationalism, equality and territoriality in constitutional and political theory. She is currently in residence at the Institute For Advanced Study in Princeton (2015-2017), where she is completing a new book on territoriality and immigrants’ rights.
Professor Bosniak has lectured widely, nationally and internationally. She was a resident Fellow at the Rockefeller Center in Bellagio, Italy, and at Princeton University’s Law and Public Affairs Program, and served for a year as the Acting Director of the Rutgers Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture.
Professor Bosniak's first book, The Citizen and the Alien: Dilemmas of Contemporary Membership (Princeton University Press, 2006, 2008) has been widely read and reviewed, and subject to discussion in special symposia. She has been active in the AALS Section on Immigration, serving as Chair in 2004-05. She co-authored a report of The Constitution Project on Rights of Immigrants After 9/11; served on the advisory board of the Center for the Study of Migration, Ethnicity and Citizenship at the New School; has been a participant at the Open Society Justice Initiative's "Clarifying and Expanding the Right of Noncitizens." She currently serves on the Advisory Board of the journal Citizenship Studies.
Prior to joining the Rutgers faculty in 1992, Professor Bosniak worked as an attorney for the civil rights firm Rabinowitz, Boudin in New York, and as a Staff Attorney for the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.
“Bounded Universalism and the Rights of Noncitizens,” Oxford Handbook on Citizenship Studies (Baubock, et al., eds., Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2017)
“Wrongs, Rights and Regularization,” (forthcoming 2017)
“Amnesty In Immigration: Forgiving, Forgetting, Freedom,”
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP), Volume 16, No. 3 (2013). Republished in The Margins of Citizenship (Philip Cook and Jonathan Seglow, eds., Routledge, 2013).
"Arguing For Amnesty," in Journal of Law Culture and the Humanities (Special Issue: Legal Imaginings of Exile and Immigration), forthcoming, 2011.
"Human Rights in One State: Dilemmas of Personhood in Constitutional Thought," in Marie-Benedicte Dembour and Tobias Kelly, eds., Are human rights for migrants? : critical reflections on the status of irregular migrants in Europe and the United States(Routledge, 2011).
"Making Sense of Citizenship," Issues in Legal Scholarship: (Issue: Denaturalizing Citizenship: A Symposium on Bosniak and Shachar) (2011).
“Persons and Citizen in Constitutional Thought,” International Journal of Constitutional Law (2009).
“Ethical Territoriality and the Rights of Immigrants,” Amsterdam Law Forum, Volume 1, No. 1, at 1 (2008).
“The Basic Rights of Short-Term Immigrants Also Need Protection,” (response to Joseph Carens, “The Case For Amnesty,” New Democracy Forum on Immigration, Boston Review, May/June, 2009.
republished in, Joseph Carens et al, Immigrants and the Right to Stay (2010).
The Citizen and the Alien: Dilemmas of Contemporary Membership(Princeton University Press, 2006)
"Citizenship, Noncitizenship, and the Transnationalization of Domestic Work," inCitizenship, Borders and Gender: Mobility and Immobility (Seyla Benhabib, Vilishani Coopan and Judith Resnick, eds.., Yale U. Press, 2009).
"Citizenship,"� in Oxford Handbook of Legal Studies (Peter Kane and Mark Tushnet, eds., Oxford University Press, 2003).
"Constitutional Citizenship Through the Prism of Alienage," 63 Ohio State Law Journal 1285 (2002).
"Citizenship and Work," 27 N.C. J. Int™l L.& Com. Reg. 497 (2002).
"A Basic Territorial Distinction," 16 Georg. Imm. L. J. 407 (2002).
"Multiple Nationality and the Postnational Transformation of Citizenship," 42 Virginia J. Int™l L. 979 (2002). Reprinted in Rights and Duties of Dual Nationals: Evolution and Prospects (David A. Martin & Kai Hailbronner, eds.,, forthcoming 2002).
"Critical Reflections on Citizenship™ As Progressive Aspiration," in Transformative Labour Law in An Era of Globalization (Joanne Conaghan, Richard Michael Fischl and Karl Klare, eds., Oxford University Press, 2002).
"Denationalizing Citizenship," in Citizenship: Comparison and Perspectives ( T.A. Aleinikoff and D. Klusmeyer, eds., Carnegie Endowment For International Peace, 2001).
"Citizenship Denationalized," 7 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 447 (Spring 2000) (lead article, symposium issue).
"Universal Citizenship and the Problem of Alienage," 94 Northwestern Law Review 963 (2000).
"Nativism," in Civil Rights In the United States (Waldo E. Martin & Patricia Sullivan, eds., Macmillan Reference, 2000).
"A National Solidarity? A Response To David Hollinger," in Immigration and American Citizenship in the 21st Century, (Noah Pickus, ed., Rowman and Littlefield, 1998).
"The Citizenship of Aliens," Social Text 56, Vol. 16, No. 3, p. 29 (Fall 1998).
"Opposing Prop. 187: Undocumented Immigrants and The National Imagination," 28 Connecticut Law Review 555 (1996).
"Nativism The Concept: Some Reflections," in Immigrants Out! The New Nativism and the
Anti-Immigrant Impulse In the United States (Juan Perea, ed., N.Y.U. Press, 1996).
"Membership, Equality, and The Difference That Alienage Makes," 69 New York University Law Review 1047 (1994).
"Immigrants, Preemption and Equality," 35 Virginia Journal of International Law 179 (1994).
"Immigration Crisis, `Nativism,' and Legitimacy," 88 Am. Soc'y Int'l. L. Proc. 440 (1994).
"State Sovereignty, Human Rights, and the New U.N. Migrant Workers Convention," 86 Am. Soc'y Int'l. L. Proc. 634 (1992).
"Human Rights, State Sovereignty, and the Protection of Undocumented Migrants Under The International Convention For The Protection of The Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families," International Migration Review, Vol. XXV, No. 4 (Winter 1991). Updated and reprinted in Irregular Migration adn Human Rights: Theoretical, European and International Perspectives, Barbara Bogusz, Ryszqard Cholewinski, Adam Cygan and Erika Szyscczak, eds., (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1994).
"Exclusion and Membership: The Dual Identity of the Undocumented Worker Under United States Law," 1988 Wisconsin Law Review 955 (1988), reprinted in 1990 Imm. & Nat. L. Rev. 3 (1990).
Book Review: The Ethics of Immigration, Joseph Carens (Oxford University Press 2013), in Ethics, Ethics 125 (2):571-576, (2015)
Book Review: Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America, Mae M. Ngai (Princeton University Press, 2004), in Journal of International Migration and Integration (forthcoming, 2005).
Book Review: Migration and International Norms,T. Alexander Aleinikoff & Vincent Chetail, eds., (the Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2003), in American Journal of International Law, Vol. 98, January 2004, pp. 30-35.
Book Review: Citizens, Strangers and In-Betweens: Essays on Immigration and Citizenship, by Peter H. Schuck (Westview Publ., 1999), International Migration Review, Volume 105 (forthcoming, 2000).