asked a panel of experts to weigh in on how to navigate bankruptcy. Rutgers Law Professor Chrystin Ondersma, author of Dignity, Not Debt: An Abolitionist Approach to Economic Justice, shared her perspective on some of the most pressing bankruptcy questions.
The Criminal and Youth Justice Clinic achieved a significant victory in the New Jersey Supreme Court on July 1, when the Court held that youth placed on the sex offender registry have the right to be removed at any time, as long as they can prove they are not likely to pose a threat to the safety of others.
Eva Hanks, a distinguished figure in legal education, a pioneer for women in academia, and Rutgers Law School’s first woman law professor, passed away on June 12, 2024 at the age of 95. Her career spanned over five decades, leaving an indelible mark on Rutgers Law School and the broader legal profession.
President Joseph R. Biden on Tuesday, May 28, announced his intention to nominate Mark A. Angelson to be the United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Norway. The nomination is expected to be formally submitted to the United States Senate in the coming days and requires the advice and consent of the Senate.
For the first time, the Rutgers Law School’s National Appellate Advocacy Team competed in five interscholastic moot court competitions throughout one academic year. In addition to a national championship win, Rutgers Law students reached the late stages in several matchups and were recognized for writing one of the best briefs in the competition.
Megan Adams, a first year student at Rutgers Law School, is the first to admit that her parents and upbringing played a role in her decision to attend Rutgers Law. What she didn’t realize until she got to campus was how close she’d feel to her late grandmother, who worked at the law library for 25 years until her retirement in 2004.
Everything was going according to plan for Dhara Patel. She had leveraged her graduate-level training in accounting to build a successful career for herself, first at a Big Four accounting firm, then at a smaller consulting group. Eventually, she left the corporate world and joined her family’s business, where she started her own consulting company. Patel quickly realized how often she worked with attorneys in this new role and how much legal work was embedded in her new responsibilities, from drafting leases for residential and commercial tenants to writing employment contracts for office workers. Getting her JD just made sense.
Jing Kong, a 3L student at Rutgers Law School, has been named the latest recipient of the Hon. Giles S. Rich Diversity Scholarship. This competitive and prestigious award is granted each year by the New York Intellectual Property Law Education Foundation (NYIPLEF) to a minority student representing a group that has been traditionally underrepresented in the legal profession. A trailblazer both personally and professionally, Kong is the first in her family to attend college, earn a Ph.D., immigrate to the U.S., attain U.S. citizenship, and earn a J.D. This summer, she will launch her legal career as a summer associate with the life sciences patent litigation team at O’Melveny & Myers.