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Staff Directory Listing

Woman grinning in front of bookcase

Assistant Professor of Law


Man grinning wearing glasses and a suit with white shirt.

Distinguished Professor of Law


Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Faculty

Man lightly grinning wearing white button down and grey suit jacket with black tie

Professor Emeritus

Emeritus Faculty

Man grinning wearing glasses and multicolored shirt

Professor of Law, and Sidney I. Reitman Scholar Emeritus

Emeritus Faculty

Weisbord Portrait

Distinguished Professor of Law, and Judge Norma L. Shapiro Scholar


man in blue suit smiling on staircase

Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Faculty

woman outside wearing glasses and smiling

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs - Newark, and Professor of Law


Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Faculty